Quantum computing: This new 100-qubit processor is built with atoms cooled down near to absolute zero | #Research #ColdQuanta | 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)... | Scoop.it

By cooling atoms down to near absolute zero and then controlling them with lasers, a company has successfully created a 100-qubit quantum processor that compares to the systems developed by leading quantum players to date. 

ColdQuanta, a US-based company that specializes in the manipulation of cold atoms, unveiled the new quantum processor unit, which will form the basis of the company's 100-qubit gate-based quantum computer, code-named Hilbert, launching later this year after final tuning and optimization work. 

There are various different approaches to quantum computing, and among those that have risen to prominence in the last few years feature superconducting systems, trapped ions, photonic quantum computers and even silicon spin qubits. 


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