Disco Spider Pulsates With Color, Baffling Scientists | #Nature #Science | 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)... | Scoop.it
DO YOU SEE A SNAKE OR A SPIDER? Dec. 16, 2016 - The head of a tiny snake stares at you. Odd blotches beneath its eyes pulsate over the serpent’s seeming smile. But the whole impression is an illusion. Those blobs actually belong to a little orb-weaver spider.


The captivating footage of this arthropod was filmed by photographer Nicky Bay in a forested area of Singapore. Spider expert Joseph Koh thinks the species is probably Cyrtarachne inaequalis.


Other facts about this little animal remain unknown. The fake snake show may be biomimicry, but scientists don’t know for sure. And the pulsing blobs themselves? Another mystery.