Microsoft opens Bing AI for public testing, no waitlist required | 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)... |

Bing AI is now open to all—sort of. Three months after debuting its revamped search engine, Microsoft has announced that it's now moving into open preview. You'll still need to sign into Bing on the Edge browser (or the Bing mobile apps) to use the chatbot, but at least you no longer have to deal with a waitlist.

As if to celebrate this new phase of Bing (powered by OpenAI's GPT-4), Microsoft is also rolling out several new features. For one, it can go beyond mere text responses to deliver charts, graphs and rich formatting. The Bing Image Creator, which taps into DALL-E to craft AI-generated pictures, also now supports the more than 100 languages that Bing's standard search offers.