Stable quantum bits | #Research | 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)... |
Stable quantum bits

(Nanowerk News) Milestone on the path to the quantum computer: Scientists of the University of Konstanz, Princeton University, and the University of Maryland develop a stable quantum gate for two-quantum bit systems made of silicon. The quantum gate is able to perform all necessary basic operations of the quantum computer. The electron spin of individual electrons in silicon is used as the basic storage unit ("quantum bits"). The research results were published in Science ("Quantum CNOT Gate for Spins in Silicon").

It will take quite a few years until the first quantum computers will be available in department stores. Even today, however, it has become apparent that the quantum computer will mark a big leap in computer technology. The quantum computer will be more efficient and will be able to solve problems where current computers hit a wall.

However, the quantum computer reacts much more sensitively to external disturbances than a conventional machine. Consequently, a primary goal is to create stable "quantum gates" - the basic "building block" of the quantum computer.


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