Colour-changing fibres for smart clothes | #Research #Wearables #Luxembourg #UniversityLuxembourg #Europe  | 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)... |

When we think about clothing, we usually think of it as something we wear to cover our body, convey our style and protect us from the environment. What if the cloth changes its visual appearance when you stretch your hand?... such mechanoresponsive material has enormous potential in a large range of transformative applications in the beauty and health industry.

Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Elastomer (CLCE) is a structurally coloured polymer system capable of changing its colour by mechanical deformation, due to the coupling of colour of helically aligned liquid crystal molecules and the viscoelasticity of rubber. Prof. Jan Lagerwall, Dr. Yong Geng and Rijeesh Kizhakidathazhath at the University of Luxembourg created colour-changing CLCE fibres that can be easily sewn into the fabric.


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