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Want to make your project talk to the Internet? Connect your existing project to the Internet to log, stream, and interact with the data it produces? What about all this Internet-of-Things (IoT) stuff?

Adafruit IO is a platform designed (by us!) to display, respond, and interact with your project's data. We also keep your data private (data feeds are private by default) and secure (we will never sell or give this data away to another company) for you. It's the internet of things - for everyone!

Why We Built Adafruit IO
Here at Adafruit, we sell all of these amazing components, but we couldn't find a good way to interact with them over the Internet. There are certainly a lot of great services out there for datalogging, or communicating with your microcontroller over the web, but these services are either too complicated to get started, or they aren't particularly fun to use. So, we decided to experiment with our own system, and that's Adafruit IO.


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