Gauging 'Internet of Things' Risk | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |
In the past few months, the "Internet of Things" has gained more attention, and the cybersecurity and privacy implications are only beginning to be addressed in many quarters.

The term "Internet of Things" has been around for a half decade or so, although "things" connected to the Internet are as old as the network of networks itself. But in the past few months, the Internet of Things has gained more attention, and the cybersecurity andprivacy implications are only beginning to be addressed in many quarters.

Even the feds are concerned. James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, recently testified before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on global threats facing the United States. Among potential cyberthreats he cited are those "things" - physical objects such as vehicles, industrial components and home appliances - that generate information and increasingly are being linked to the Internet.