How AI Has Already Changed Your Life | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |

For some people, artificial intelligence still makes them feel a little…uneasy. It’s often depicted as sinister-looking robots who will take over our lives and our jobs, or even replace humanity. 

The reality is, we are already in an age in which AI is infused into our everyday lives in ways that augment rather than replace people. Digital assistants such as Cortana can find you the closest restaurant, dictate a text to your friend, manage your email inbox and even help you create more beautiful PowerPoint presentations.  Whether you realise it or not, AI is an integral part of all these interactions. And while it’s not something you can often see or touch, I bet you’re already experiencing the benefits of AI every day.

So, how does AI technology actually work? AI is a machine’s ability to recognise images and words, learn and reason in ways that are similar to people. Data is the fuel for AI, and our world is awash with data as our daily interactions are increasingly digital. AI uses sophisticated algorithms to sort through piles of data, spot patterns and make predictions – tasks that would be repetitive and time-consuming, if not practically impossible, for people to do manually. AI can do this work on our behalf and give us back more of life’s most precious commodity - time.


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