OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Teaching in Focus Briefs

 The Teaching in Focus briefs shed new light on issues surrounding the teaching and learning environment in schools and teachers’ working conditions. They present data from the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), which is the first and only international survey on the conditions of teaching and learning. TALIS fills important information gaps in the international comparisons of education systems. It offers an opportunity for teachers and school principals to give their input into education analysis and policy development in some key policy areas.


Cross-country analysis from TALIS allows countries to identify other countries facing similar challenges and to learn from other policy approaches.


These briefs will provide policy makers, school leaders and teachers alike with a unique perspective on the experiences of teachers in schools around the world.


No. 1 -Are teachers getting the recognition they deserve?


No. 2 -What can be done to support new teachers?


No. 3 -How can teacher feedback be used to improve the classroom disciplinary climate?