11 Things Your Website Needs or Risk Losing Potential Customers Before They Even START! | #Press #Journalism #ContentMarketing #Contentmanagement #ContentStrategy #Responsibility #Audience #Profess... | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

An excellent website is an invaluable tool for an inbound organization because an inbound organization starts the buyer journey by creating a website that provides education first. An inbound organization’s website functions as an online portal for actively first attracting, then engaging, a target audience and persona.


One of the biggest mistakes we see companies make is thinking that a website is only an expense and not viewing it as an asset.


Remember, your company website is your very first impression for most contacts. Your website communicates your brand message, engages your audience, and should act as a digital salesperson.


Too often companies cut corners. They don’t use the best tools to accomplish their goals or refuse to hire the best talent to manage their web presence (sorry, but your geeky nephew might not be the BEST choice). Many companies believe that if you build it, they will come. So, once their website is up and running they just set it and forget it.


A part of this mindset is the idea that a quality website is a one-time expense. The idea that you have a big expenditure of resources once and then the website should stand on its own is flawed. A great website can be within any company’s reach as long as they optimize for user experience. A part of good optimization is creating content consistently over time so that your website grows in a meaningful way. An Inbound Organizations website becomes a better resource over time.


As a result, an Inbound Organizations website is an asset, not just an expense.


With that in mind, here are some concrete suggestions for improving your website so you can keep me, and all the other prospects like me, engaged.


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