The Way We Learn Today Is Just Wrong | #ModernEDU #LEARNing2LEARN | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |
So where is this all going?

The Future of Education – Personalized, Perfect & Free (Thanks to AI and VR)

Right now, online platforms like Khan Academy and Coursera have made a plethora of educational resources available 1) for free and 2) on demand, such that you can pick and choose what you learn and at what speed you learn it.

Khan Academy has delivered over 300 million lessons since it started in 2006, features 5,000 free instructional videos in 65 languages, and allows users to complete 4 million exercises every day – simply amazing.

In 2011, Stanford professor Andrew Ng decided to put his machine learning course online for free, thinking that maybe a few additional people would tune in with his students. Within days, 100,000 people had signed up to take the course.

We are already seeing technology democratize access to education – but soon the education itself will become even more powerful with the help of AI and virtual and augmented reality.

In the near future, artificial intelligence will be able to personalize learning platforms to each individual student.

The AI will have unlimited access to information and will deliver it at the optimal speed to each student in an engaging, fun way.


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