Toilet Paper and (Instructional) Tolerance | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |
This post was co-authored by @BeckyFisher73 and @ELeclere01. So, which do you prefer - over or under?  Just how did that preference come about?  Is it really a personal preference or is it somethin...


Now, we elementary and secondary educators are hearing loud and clear that while the 3 R’s are still essential, the 4 C’s – Creativity,Collaboration, Communication, and Critical thinking – are the most highly valued skills with which our students can leave our buildings. 


We happen to believe that navigating your Choices to find the Comforts that allow you to be most productive adds two more C’s to the equation.  Thus, we must examine our practices, structures and policies to evolve with the rest of the world and build an understanding of our personal preferences and how we navigate the preferences of others. 


How can we, as educators, revisit our “toilet paper”-like decisions in the context of preparing kids to make their own choices that will drive their comfort and either exploit or diminish their creativity, collaboration, communication, critical thinking and future success in school and elsewhere?