What is Cyber Security? | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

According to the Oxford Dictionary cyber security is:


Cyber –  adjective

relating to or characteristic of the culture of computers, information technology, and virtual reality 


Security - noun (plural securities)

the state of being free from danger or threat

Generally, as people, we protect assets regardless of their purpose – business, sentiment, worth, etc. We lock our houses – so applying this theory to the world of technology, cyber security is us protecting our technological assets.


Whether we are the consumer, provider or supplier, in one aspect of our daily lives we use cyber space – for whatever reason. When I log into my iTunes account on the go, or, when I need to retrieve a file that has been stored within my companies cloud storage, I am accessing the cyber world and I really don’t think twice about doing so.


Are we?


No and we should!!!