Why Emotional Intelligence is Needed More Than Ever | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

College students are often very adept at “being social” through technological means such as social networking websites and other virtual communities. However, once they enter the classroom and students no longer have electronic communication to rely upon for their interactions, it may be challenging at first for them to develop interpersonal and productive relationships with other classmates through non-digital or face-to-face communication. That’s when emotional intelligence is needed because it strengthens the skills required to interact effectively with others, which are often under-utilized with electronic communication.


Daniel Goleman is a thought-leader in the field of emotional intelligence and in his article, The Value of Emotional Intelligence, identified the “four components that will turn struggling students into more successful ones.” Goleman described emotional self-awareness, emotional self-management, social awareness, and relationship management as the most important aspects of becoming emotionally intelligent. In the following video presentation Goleman shares more about this topic.


Read more, very interesting...



Via Dr. Bruce A. Johnson