Teach Children Well: 21st Century Teacher Attributes | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

21st Century Teacher Attributes

I'm wondering what your vision is for a 21st century teacher. Here's the vision that leads me.


- Life Long Learner


- Knowledge Expert: 


- Nurturer: 


- Tech Savvy


- Project Base Learning Facilitator


- RTI/Differentiation: Looks at every learner as an individual and responds to that individual with apt programs, lessons, materials and tools.


- Process Oriented: Recognizes that education is an evolving practice, and regularly takes time to reflect, review and revise the work he/she does for best effect.


- Environmental Designer


- Coach, Mentor and Guide: Recognizes that in this age of information excess, the priority should be on learning how to learn rather than the acquisition of discrete sets of knowledge, hence the teacher serves as a coach, mentor and guide in this endeavor. With that in mind, however, the teacher also recognizes that some discrete sets of knowledge are necessary and coaches students using the best, research-based materials to attain that knowledge, skill and concept.


- A Student of Cognition: The teacher is a brain coach who embeds the latest research in cognition to develop learning modules that mirror what we understand to be the best ways to build learning flexibility, content and strength.


- Collaborator: The teacher understands that he/she will never know it all or be the best teacher for all students. With this knowledge, the teacher develops his/her repertoire related to collaboration, teamwork and shared decision making, instruction.


- Communicator: The teacher regularly communicates the important information related to his/her practice, vision, goals and work in order to enlist the support of the learning team and community. The communication includes conferences, written correspondence via the Internet or paper/pencil and multimedia composition with portfolios and other communication vehicles.


- Manager: The teacher manages his/her environment and learning team with skill. He/she is attuned to the community's needs as a group and as individuals, and responds as such.


Gust MEES: ===> Read more: very interesting and the REALITY ;) <===