A strong personality is not strength Dionne Kasian-Lew | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
A strong personality is not strength

Strength is complex and sometimes difficult to practice.

  • A strong person will challenge unacceptable behaviour even though it’s uncomfortable and they would rather not and they know there will be no reward for doing so.
  • A strong person also knows when to lie flat like grass to weather the storm. They know it’s better to bend than to break. We call this ’knowing which hill to fight on’.
  • A strong person finds the internal discipline not to erupt when they would like nothing better than to shriek like a harpy or frighten others into submission through their rage. They understand the trade off between short-term release and long-term relationship.
  • A strong person knows life is not the high notes or the low notes but the accumulated interactions of daily life. Like everyone they get angry – but not all the time and when they do – they try express it directly. This takes ongoing work.
  • A strong person can say –
    -You have a point
    -I didn’t know that
    -You know I was wrong when I said
    -I am not sure I agree with you
    -I agree with you there

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