Hypocrisy in the Profession of Education | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Whenever I think of a teacher, I also think of a scholar. It has always been apparent to me that if one is to be an effective teacher, one must continually learn. Of course that is not always a pat...


As educators we must be learners first. If we are to be better educators, we must first be better learners. We may not always have a choice in what we learn.


After so long not being involved with learning, many educators do not know how much they do not know.


===> How can they make decisions on what they need to learn, if they are unaware of the existence of many of the things they need to know? <===


===> To be better educators, we first need to be better learners. <===



The biggest hypocrisy of the Education Profession is that the educators too often have become poor learners ===> unwilling to leave their comfort zones to improve their learning. <===