ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle
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ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle
Application Lifecycle Management, Software Engineering/Ingénierie Logicielle, Requirements, Development, Quality, Project, Delivery, DevOps.
Curated by Pierre Tran
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Advanced Agile Lifecycle Management Solutions

It is important to stabilize feature richness with simplicity to a team’s acceptance of agile life cycle management. A comparative analysis based on the feature is an important part of a company’s evolution; however it is also essential to consider the main business aspects that will impact your long-run success.

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Connaissez-vous l'éco-conception logicielle ?

Connaissez-vous l'éco-conception logicielle ? | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |
L'ingénierie logicielle durable est l'art de définir et développer des logiciels de manière à ce que les impacts positifs et négatifs sur le développement durable tout au long de son cycle de vie soient évalués, documentés et ...
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Enterprise Software Delivery (Book Review & Summary)

Enterprise Software Delivery (Book Review & Summary) | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |

This is a book that sums up any large organisation with a software delivery function. It certainly matches the experiences in my last company but also matches the many case studies I have heard from my colleagues over the years.

It starts by defining enterprise software delivery, noting it uses the word delivery and not development. This is on purpose as software development is only useful when in the hands of the end-user.

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Les nouveaux défis de l'IT

Les nouveaux défis de l'IT | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |
Une étude réalisée par Serena Software montre que l'IT a du mal à suivre le rythme des demandes de service et que pour la majorité des sondés, les groupes métiers ne perçoivent pas l'IT comme un réel partenaire.
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Boostez votre Time To Market en 2013 avec vos développeurs

Boostez votre Time To Market en 2013 avec vos développeurs | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |
Nombreuses sont les DSIs françaises qui ignorent le concept de TTM, elles imposent toujours des délais / coûts déconnectés du marché, aux métiers (le vieux mythe des 2 mises en production annuelles au hasard) puis elles se font by-passer par les...
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The future of programming

The future of programming | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |

Programming is changing. The PC era is coming to an end, and software developers now work with an explosion of devices, job functions, and problems that need different approaches from the single machine era. In our age of exploding data, the ability to do some kind of programming is increasingly important to every job, and programming is no longer the sole preserve of an engineering priesthood.

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Project Lifecycle Governance (PLG) vs. Project Lifecycle Management (PLM) vs. Application Lifecycle Management, (ALM) vs Project Portfolio Management (PPM)

Project Lifecycle Governance (PLG) vs. Project Lifecycle Management (PLM) vs. Application Lifecycle Management, (ALM) vs Project Portfolio Management (PPM) | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |
If one does an internet search, many more hits are returned relating to project lifecycle management vs. project lifecycle governance, and added in for additional confusion and overlap are hits related to PPM and ALM.
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Éditeurs SaaS : quelles contraintes de développement?

Éditeurs SaaS : quelles contraintes de développement? | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |

Faisant suite à un webinar donné par SysFera sur les enjeux techniques du SaaS pour les éditeurs de logiciels, je vais décrire plus précisément chacun des aspects mis en avant avec les problématiques et des pistes de réponse pour chacune d’entre elles dans une suite de billets.

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Hypothesis-Driven Development

Hypothesis-Driven Development | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |

You’ve got your vision of what you want to build.

You’ve also got a ton of unknowns and uncertainty. You know you can’t just go build it and hope they will come. You have to do it iteratively. Put a little bit out there, see how people react, figure out what to do next.

But where do you start? How much is enough to start getting feedback?

Pierre Tran's insight:

Remplacer les exigences par des hypothèses

Ex FromTheLeft's comment, January 9, 2013 3:36 PM
excellent article
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Why Scrum Won

Why Scrum Won | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |
In the 1990s and early 2000s a number of different lightweight "agile" development methods sprung up.

Today a few shops use Extreme Programming, including most notably ThoughtWorks and Industrial Logic. But if you ask around, especially in enterprise shops, almost everybody who is “doing Agile” today is following Scrum or something based on Scrum.

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Real-time QA: staying confident with code

Real-time QA: staying confident with code | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |
In a world of continuous deployment, how do we stay confident that code running in production is still reliably delivering the news to our readers?
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Is Your Startup in the Cloud? What About Your Development Team?

Is Your Startup in the Cloud? What About Your Development Team? | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |
The advance of cloud computing has significantly simplified the life of modern start-ups by offering all the necessary technical resources without wasting time...
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Problemes architecturaux courants

Présentation donnée par Félix-Antoine Bourbonnais aux étudiants en génie logiciel et informatique de l'Université Laval dans le cadre d'un cours d'Architecture logicielle.

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ALM Challenges- New VS 2012 ALM Webcasts

ALM Challenges- New VS 2012 ALM Webcasts | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |

Application development is changing pretty dramatically. No, not necessarily coding practices, I’m talking about the explosion of devices that need to be targeted, and of course, the crunch to deliver faster, with higher quality, and the ever present lower cost.

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The Essence Of Agile Testing: Make Testing Part Of Your SDLC (And Much More)

The Essence Of Agile Testing: Make Testing Part Of Your SDLC (And Much More) | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |

DevOps is a movement for developers and operations professionals that encourages more collaboration and release automation. Why? To keep up with the faster application delivery pace of Agile. In fact, with Agile, as development teams deliver faster and in shorter cycles, IT operations finds itself unprepared to keep up with the new pace. For operations teams, managing a continuous stream of software delivery with traditional manual-based processes is Mission Impossible.

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Devops, complexity and anti-fragility in IT: An introduction

Devops, complexity and anti-fragility in IT: An introduction | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |
James Urquhart kicks off a discussion about system resiliency by outlining the key concepts — devops, complex adaptive systems and anti-fragility — that affect it in the cloud computing era.
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Cloud app dev saves developers 1 hour of every 8

Evans Data Cloud Development Survey finds developers split on benefits and concerns about building in the cloud

Developers are finding that building applications in the cloud saves time, but concerns remain about security and uptime, according to a newly released study.

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Qu’est-ce que l’analyse MOST?

Qu’est-ce que l’analyse MOST? | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |
MOST, Un acronyme anglophone utile en phase d’analyse de projet

MOST est un acronyme anglophone qui se décompose de la manière suivante:
- M pour Mission
- O pour Objectives
- S pour Strategy
- T pour Tactics

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By Using Cloud Platforms, Developers Reduce Development Time by Nearly 15%

In a new survey conducted by Evans Data Corporation, developers reported that the use of cloud platforms reduces their overall development time by nearly 15% (on average) - representing time savings approaching one entire day in a typical 5 day work week.

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ALM en France : mal connu, mais clé dans la gestion des projets

Borland publie le premier baromètre de l’ALM en France. Un résultat mitigé qui laisse entrevoir des entreprises encore frileuses qui comprennent mal le concept. Sur les projets ALM déjà budgétés pour 2013, un renforcement de la gestion reste le principal élément déclencheur.

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Ne confondez pas« Test Agile » ou « Test dans un projet agile »

Ne confondez pas« Test Agile » ou « Test dans un projet agile » | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |
Faut-il parler de « Test Agile » ou de « Test dans un projet Agile » : une fausse question à mon avis, d’autant plus que les définitions existantes pour le terme « Test Agile » ne font pas l’unanimité… Le concept de « Test dans un projet Agile »,...
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Integrated ALM Tools Are Fundamental to Success

Integrated ALM Tools Are Fundamental to Success | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |
The typical software delivery project captures requirements numerous times, describes tests in multiple places, is indiscriminate of what is in a particular build, and often requires a large amount of analysis to know who is doing what and why.
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From Revolution to Evolution: The Case for Agile ALM

Free CollabNet White Paper:

Read this paper to find out what is happening in the industry in regards to Agile ALM and what you can do to take your dev teams to the next level.

In the face of such change, first generation ALM solutions clearly have not fared well, proving to be too monolithic, inflexible or costly to manage in the face of the industry's demands for increasingly fluid and diverse requirements. Once defined, prescribed static processes are hard to change, with only little room for project members to adapt and evolve. In particular, those first generation solutions lack the openness and flexibility to embed preferred tools or to adjust to evolving methodologies. 
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Understanding the Term “Agile Quality” Through Acrobatics

Understanding the Term “Agile Quality” Through Acrobatics | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |
Agility is the ability to - using discipline, control, focus and sensation - make movements that for most people seem impossible to achieve. Quality is the objective, collective perception of this movement to be a great and beautiful manifestation of the selected art, product or service - in our case, software products.
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Génie logiciel, agilité et service conseil en technologies de l’information

Agile est un qualificatif de divers processus de développement en rupture avec les processus classiques hérités du génie logiciel. Les pratiques agiles mettent l’accent sur les changements constants des spécifications et du code source des logiciels, une collaboration étroite, une forte implication de l’utilisateur final, ainsi qu’un cycle de développement en spirale avec de nombreuses et courtes itérations.

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