How To Build a HTML5 Video Player | Aplicaciones y Herramientas . Software de Diseño |

Want to roll your own HTML5 player?  Steve Heffernan at has a new full detailed technical guide just on this.


From the article intro: "When I was 6 years old, I had metal-capped front teeth, a lazy eye, an eye patch to correct my lazy eye, thick glasses, plastic tubes in my ears to drain fluids, and a speech impediment.


HTML5 video is kind of like me at 6 years old. It has the potential to some day be a fully functioning HTML tag. But right now, it has some issues.


In order to work with HTML5, we need to know what its issues are and how to patch them. That said, HTML5 video will some day be the default method developers use for playing video on the web.


Apple is holding strong on its decision not to support Flash on iOS, Adobe is cutting development on Flash for other mobile browsers, and more users support HTML5 video every day as Chrome takes over the browser market. That makes this a great time to get a head start on building video experiences with HTML5 video."


Comprehensive. 8/10


Full guide: 

Via Nicolas Weil, Robin Good