What you need to know about the Flashback trojan | Macworld | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... | Scoop.it
[Rich Mogull has worked in the security world for 18 years. He writes for TidBits and works as a security analyst through Securosis.com.]


===> We’ve entered a new era in Mac security, <=== but there’s no need to panic...


The bad guys clearly care more about Macs now. But we need to keep our perspective: We still see far less malware for Macs than we do for, say, Android phones. Yet there's no doubt that Flashback is a significant development.


===> I believe it shows we will see more malware on Macs. <===


I’m also convinced these will be infrequent events and not the ongoing onslaught of epidemics that some observers are predicting—


===> as long as we all take precautions and stay vigilant. <===


                             ===> A MUST READ! <===