Mobile Apps Permission - Find out what Your Apps are doing [Infographic] | Apps and Widgets for any use, mostly for education and FREE |
Infographics on Case study at Mobile Android Apps Permission vulnerability, starting Apps integration at 2AM on Google Play Store with malware attack on tablet...


You might be wondering what this Title means. But it’s the fact of today. While many of us might not know this but this has become a good security point to talk on. Most of the time when we just download any kind of Apps from the Google Play or Android Market, it always prompt to give permission to access the device, and most people including us, actually don’t pay attention to it and simply go ahead to download the app.


However, this is just equal to a Bad idea of giving the entire access of your Phone contents to the app which could lead to possible data theft, spam, malware and what not! According to the Research done by us, found us a good evidence that an average Android app always asks for 124 different types of permissions. While we have also found one shocking fact that almost 33% of the App asks for more permissions than the actual required.




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