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What comes next for Canada’s measles surge

What comes next for Canada’s measles surge | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Immunologist Dawn Bowdish tells us why measles cases are soaring, who’s at risk and how we can still stamp it out...
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Appel à contributions. La désinformation : nouvelles formes, nouveaux défis | Académie des Controverses et de la Communication Sensible

Séminaire annuel de l’Académie des Controverses et de la Communication Sensible Mardi 26 novembre, ParisSite de la conférence : Les travaux sur les fausses informations et autres désordres informationnels ont amené les chercheurs à distinguer ce qui relève de la...
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Il n’y a jamais eu un « nouveau coronavirus », il n’y a jamais eu de pandémie | Mondialisation - Centre de Recherche sur la Mondialisation

Il n’y a jamais eu un « nouveau coronavirus », il n’y a jamais eu de pandémie | Mondialisation - Centre de Recherche sur la Mondialisation | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Publié pour la première fois le 27 novembre 2023.Interview vidéo ajoutée le 29 novembre 2023 Message de l’auteur aux lecteurs  Cet article consacré au prétendu nouveau coronavirus fait parti…...
Gilbert C FAURE's insight:

pas besoin de vaccins donc....

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François Lecardonnel sur LinkedIn : S'il était encore besoin de le rappeler... la désinformation tue ! Et…

François Lecardonnel sur LinkedIn : S'il était encore besoin de le rappeler... la désinformation tue ! Et… | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
S'il était encore besoin de le rappeler... la désinformation tue !
Et cette fois, la triste preuve nous est fournie par les résultats d'une étude rétrospective…
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COVID Vaccine Now The Leading Cause Of Death In Canada? New Data Reveals The Truth – enVolve

COVID Vaccine Now The Leading Cause Of Death In Canada? New Data Reveals The Truth – enVolve | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
According to newly released government data, "unknown" causes is now the leading cause of death in the Canadian province of Alberta since the rollout of the C...
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80% de ceux qui MEURENT du « covid » au Canada sont complètement vaccinés

80% de ceux qui MEURENT du « covid » au Canada sont complètement vaccinés | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Cogiito 80% de ceux qui MEURENT du « covid » au Canada sont complètement vaccinés...
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Breaking research showing that COVID-19 vaccine recipients are developing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

Breaking research showing that COVID-19 vaccine recipients are developing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
BY MICHAEL THOMAS The average fully vaccinated Canadian is down to the last 18.45% of their immune system that is necessary for fighting certain classes of viruses and certain cancers etc. This is what vaccination has done to the people of Canada.
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ALERTE GÉNÉRALE : le docteur dit que les vaccins à ARNm « tueront la plupart des gens » par insuffisance cardiaque, 62 % des personnes vaccinées présentent déjà des caillots sanguins microscopiques. –

ALERTE GÉNÉRALE : le docteur dit que les vaccins à ARNm « tueront la plupart des gens » par insuffisance cardiaque, 62 % des personnes vaccinées présentent déjà des caillots sanguins microscopiques. – | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
La grande majorité des personnes qui se font injecter le coronavirus de Wuhan [de la Maladie à Coronavirus de 2019 = Coronavirus Desease 2019 (Covid-19)] mourront dans quelques années d'une insuffisance cardiaque, prévient le Dr Charles Hoffe, M.D., médecin en Colombie-Britannique, Canada.
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How anti-vaxxers set the stage for pandemic misinformation: Covid Conspiracies podcast | National Post

How anti-vaxxers set the stage for pandemic misinformation: Covid Conspiracies podcast | National Post | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Read the latest news, breaking headlines and happenings in Canada, provided to you by our award-winning journalists.
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Fact vs. Fiction: Countering the Spread of Misinformation on the COVID-19 Vaccines

Fact vs. Fiction: Countering the Spread of Misinformation on the COVID-19 Vaccines | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
After more than a year of collective and focused science and research, the arrival of COVID-19 vaccines has brought hope to billions globally, that brighter days are ahead. However, their arrival has been accompanied by widespread misinformation, amplifying decades of vaccine myths that remain...
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Notre formidable système immunitaire et son immunité naturelle à large spectre -

Notre formidable système immunitaire et son immunité naturelle à large spectre - | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Ah! La fameuse "production d'anticorps". Vous savez? La production d'anticorps qui a lieu NATURELLEMENT, dans tout corps humain normalement constitué? Oui, oui, la "production d'anticorps" de toute personne, par exemple qui aurait été en contact avec un coronavirus, fusse-t-il de Wuhan, de Londres, du Brésil ou de l'Afrique du Sud. Ces anticorps produits GRATUITEMENT et SANS EFFORT PARTICULIER par le système immunitaire humain à large spectre. Même si vous le comprenez, il se trouve que le Dr Horacio Arruda agit comme s'il ne le comprenait pas. Ça fait l'affaire des fabricants de "vaccins" qui peuvent, dès lors, se présenter en héros devant ceux qui refusent d'admettre la réalité immunitaire humaine absolument fascinante pour mieux se laisser soumettre aux pieds de leur dieu-vaccin. À écouter parler le Dr Horacio Arruda, tous les Québécois devraient accepter de se faire injecter avec des "vaccins" expérimentaux qui ont été approuvés "en urgence" par Santé Canada. ... ccins.html Ce parti-pris pour l'entretien de l'obsession-vaccinale s'explique mal en regard de la réalité mais colle fort bien à la fiction construite, au moins depuis le 13 mars 2020, devant une population d'abord un peu médusée mais aujourd'hui, passablement plus avisée qui voit au travers de cette nébuleuse de manipulations et de mensonges. -- Alors on en est là avec des "experts" en "santé" publique comme le Dr Horacio Arruda qui livre son lot de peur au quotidien pendant que le système immunitaire humain, naturel et à large spectre maintient la quasi-totalité des Québécois en santé, notamment en produisant des anticorps conférant vraisemblablement une immunité qui durera toujours ou alors, pour très, très longtemps, contrairement à l'immunité partielle et épisodique, au mieux, des "vaccins" et ça, c'est sans oublier les odieux "effets indésirables" ou "secondaires" qui sont toujours minimisés afin de ne pas faire peur, tout en instrumentalisant cette même peur pour mener le bétail jusqu'au bout piquant de l'aiguille. -- Soyez attentifs à l'obsession-vaccinale sans cesse plus ridicule des "experts" en "santé" publique et de leur entourage de manipulateurs de statistiques. Admirez leur dévouement à l'establishment pharmaco-plutocrate mondialiste qui fait couler les milliards entre ses griffes via des injections aussi expérimentales que faussement présentées. Ces fabricants de vaccins-de-la-peur n'ont aucun respect pour vous ou votre santé. Comment des gens pourtant doués d'un certain niveau de sens commun ou d'intelligence peuvent-ils se soumettre à un tel théâtre-COVID? Et bien, c'est par la peur que les tyrants arrivent à les soumettre. Du coup, ça explique l'action combinée des "élus" corrompus et mondialistes qui font leur théâtre avec les mercenaires informationnels des "grands médias". Les deux vampirisant le peuple afin de mieux l'assaillir. -- Et on revient avec la base, à savoir la "production d'anticorps". Vous ne le savez probablement pas, si vous êtes rompu à la propagande d'État mais votre système immunitaire produit des anticorps, même sans vaccins. Ça paraît tellement élémentaire mais croyez-le ou non, j'ai croisé des individus qui ne le savaient pas et qui étaient complètement désemparés parce qu'ils n'arrivaient pas à se faire injecter assez vite, à leur goût. Incroyable. Et pourtant, c'est vrai. Ici-même, au Québec, en 2021. Des individus sympathiques ayant accès à l'internet mais qui s'en servent pour aller chercher leur dose de peur, à tout moment, auprès des "grands médias" d'assaut informationnel contre le peuple. Les "journalistes" de ces "grands médias" ne méritent absolument plus leur titre. Ils agissent en mercenaires et pensent comme tel, aussi. Aucun respect pour leur propre peuple, juste pour leur prochain chèque de paie. Comme un chien bien dressé et encore là, c'est insultant pour les chiens. Ce n'est pas mieux du côté des "élus" qui ont eu le culot de venir MENTIR à leurs concitoyens et qui aujourd'hui sont TOUS complices dans le racket perpétuel de gouverne via des décrets sanitaires oppressifs assis sur des statistiques interprétées de manière à servir leur agenda de peur, au grand plaisir des corporato-oligarchistes mondialistes qu'ils servent. Dites "vaccin" et "développement durable" à un mondialiste comme le Dr Horacio Arruda et ses yeux s'allument. Parlez-lui d'immunité naturelle ou de droits fondamentaux et là, c'est comme parler à un courant d'air. -- Les Québécois rejoignent tous les peuples du monde dans cet éveil graduel mais inévitable au théâtre-COVID. La fiction a assez duré, le retour à la réalité doit avoir lieu... hier. -- Continuons de produire nos anticorps. Prenons soin de notre terrain, de notre santé, de notre véhicule pour la vie, de notre temps et dit sans poésie, de notre corps. Soyons le monde dans lequel nous voulons vivre. Pas les acteurs d'une fiction qui veut notre asservissement ou à terme, notre mort, masqués et piqués par autant de seringues que le tyrant choisira d'injecter, via ses hordes de "partenaires" qui agissent parce qu'il "doivent", disent-ils. Source: Ma très courte intro, dans Facebook Parce que le Dr Horacio Arruda ne semble avoir aucun intérêt particulier, apparemment, à parler du système immunitaire naturel à large spectre, il faut bien que le peuple en parle, non? Comment tourner le dos à une si formidable machinerie biologique de défense immunitaire qui prend sa force dans votre santé et qui la protège, en retour, à tous les instants? -- La peur ne sert personne sauf les tyrants et leurs sbires qui bénéficient des effets de celle-ci. La photo du Dr Horacio Arruda et tirée du point de presse intitulé "Le PM du Québec fait le point sur la 3e vague de COVID-19, Pâques et AstraZeneca – 30 mars 2021" où, encore une fois, ce "docteur" se fait le porte-voix de la peur. Pour continuer votre réflexion, je vous partage cette vidéo de Michel Weber, enseignant, philosophe qui se penche dans son livre sur la question du COVID, sous l'intitulé "vérité (politique) du mensonge sanitaire: un fascisme numérique". -- -- --
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Rescooped by Gilbert C FAURE from History of Immunology!

New exhibition traces 200 years of vaccination debate : McGill Reporter

New exhibition traces 200 years of vaccination debate : McGill Reporter | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Vaccination: Fame, Fear, and Controversy, 1798-1998, a new exhibition showcasing the scientific and emotional debate and arguments over vaccination, shows that even with the success of eliminating smallpox, the core arguments in the vaccine debate haven't changed much in 200 years.
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Vaxxed: Vaccine-Injury: Dr Suzanne Humphries - Did Vaccines Eliminate Polio?

Vaxxed: Vaccine-Injury: Dr Suzanne Humphries - Did Vaccines Eliminate Polio? | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
PEEP LOGIN MISSING WHALE? No vaccine has ever been tested for carcinogenicity (causing cancer) mutigenicity (damaging DNA) or impairment of fertility (fetal harm). No vaccine has ever been tested against an inert placebo in a control group. Safety studies without an inert control is how manufacturers hide the harm. Dr Suzanne Humphries - Did Vaccines Eliminate Polio? Vaccines did not Save Humanity and Never Will Dr Suzanne Humphries MD: "Vaccines did not save humanity and never will... Smallpox was not eradicted by vaccines as many doctors readily say is was. They say this out of conditioning rather than out of understanding the history or science. Polio virus was not responsible for the paralysis in the first part of the 20th century. Polio vaccine research, development, testing, and distribution has comitted strocities upon primates and humanity. Bill Gates is not a humanitarian. Vaccines are dangerous and should never be injected into anyone for any reason. They are not the answer to infectious diseases. There are many more sustainble and benevolent solutions than vaccines." "The tendency of mass vaccination programs is to herd people. People are not cattle or sheep. They should not be herded. A mass vaccination program carries a built-in temptation to oversimplify the problem; to exaggerate the benefits; to minimize or completely ignore the hazards; to discourage or silence scholarly, thoughtful and cautious opposition; to create an urgency where none exists; to whip up an enthusiasm among citizens that can carry with it the seeds of impatience, if not intolerance; to extend the concept of the police power of the state in quarantine far beyond its proper limitation; to assume simplicity when there is actually great complexity; to continue to support a vaccine long after it has been discredited; to ridicule honest and informed dissent." But didn't vaccines eliminate polio? Short answer: "No!" Dr Humphries spent four years researching this question and has summarized her findings in her book Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotton History The Golden Minute: Delayed Cord Clamping Increases Baby's Blood Volume and IQ by Increased Oxygen and Iron -Alan Greene Natural Childbirth if Possible. Typically one intervention brings on another and another and another. The epidural is often the first step down that slippery slope. -Christina Fabris Natural Childbirth v. Epidural Side Effects and Risks  Why Mammography Screening is being Abolished in Switzerland  Why are Medical Professionals who Deliver Babies in Hospitals Choosing to Have Their Own Babies at Home?  "Low Blood Sugar" Used to Derail Breastfeeding in Hospitals (Hospitals are using this ruse to get GMO formula into your infant.)  Physician's Assessment of Flu Vaccines in Pregnancy (by Dr Cindy Schneider, MD)  PubMed: Spontaneous Abortion With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine H1N1 Neonatal Immunity, The First 3 Years, Parts 1-6 (by Dr Suzanne Humphries, MD)  Gestational Diabetes Screening Tests: Are They Safe? (by Dr Aviva Romm, MD) "Hey Mom! Please Don't Drink the Glucola!" Don't be Induced. Almost Lost a Friend to Pitocin. Pitocin causes uterine contractions. She went into DIC, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation because of the thrombin released by the placenta detaching from the uterine walls. She got 13 units of blood and lost her uterus too. She remembers the doc saying "I over-pited her". Background: The placenta is a rich source of tissue clotting factor, known as thromboplastin. When the placenta is damaged, (probably by too much contracting of the uterus or placenta previa) it releases this thromboplastin which acts as a catalyst for the conversion of another clotting factor, prothrombin, into thrombin which is part of the whole clotting mechanism. Once the clotting mechanism is triggered to this degree, it also triggers the stop clotting mechanism and uses up many of the bodies other clotting factors thus leading to hemorrhage. -Cynthia Maurer Endangering Your Child's Life by Taking Them to a Medical Doctor Ruby M Ellis wrote this response to a mother seeking a pediatrician who would support her choice to not vaccinate: Child Protective Services (CPS) "Medical Neglect" law is defined as "Refusing necessary medical treatment for your child." Individual words are re-defined within each law. Words in law do not have the same meaning for every statute. The word "Necessary" is defined as "Anything, in the doctor's opinion, that might be helpful, is necessary." No parent has the right to refuse ANYTHING that a doctor orders without risking offending the ego of the conceited doctor who thinks he is the almighty and that he knows best. If you don't know what is wrong with your child's leg, and you take the child to a doctor, and the doctor says, "Your child has cancer in his leg. We are scheduling surgery tomorrow to cut your child's leg off" you will not be able to stop the surgery. If you say, "Wait. Let me try something less drastic and invasive and damaging first. I want to order Cansema from Cansema causes your immune system to recognize the cancer cells and destroy only the cancer cells without harming the good cells." Maybe you want to try Essiac tea, or soursop fruit, glyconutritionals, or many other natural remedies first. The doctor will phone CPS, and accuse you of "medical neglect." If CPS decides to intervene, as soon as the doctor is off the phone, without a court hearing, you are legally no longer the parent. CPS immediately becomes the guardian. The law says either the parent or the guardian must approve medical treatment. All it takes for you to no longer be the parent and CPS to be the guardian is a phone call from a doctor. You are endangering your child's life by taking them to a medical doctor. Take your child to a Naturopath first and try herbal remedies first before going to a medical doctor. Once you have let the medical community know your child is sick, you have lost all control over that child's treatment. Satanic cults involve drugs, nudity, blood, burning, and cutting. Sounds like a hospital to me! Religiously, I am Tanach-Only (Old Testament). Lev 11 tells us not to eat or even touch dead unclean animals. Land animals, to be clean, must both part the hoof and chew the cud. So Scriptural health laws tell you not to eat or touch a dead pig, because it parts the hoof, but doesn't chew the cud. You can't eat or touch a dead rabbit because it chews the cud but doesn't part the hoof. You can't eat a horse because it chews the cud and has a hoof, but it doesn't part the hoof. Life in water can't be eaten or touched if it is dead unless it has both fins and scales. So you can't eat or touch a dead shark or cat fish because they have fins, but don't have scales. You can't eat or touch dead shrimp, oysters, lobsters, crawdads, crabs, etc., because they don't have both fins and scales. Exod 15:26 promises us if we obey Yahuah's laws, including his clean/ unclean health laws of Lev 11, we won't get the curses of diseases for disobedience. "And He said, 'If you diligently obey the voice of ???? your Elohim and do what is right in His eyes, and shall listen to His commands and shall guard all His laws, I shall bring on you none of the diseases I brought on the Mitsrites, for I am ???? [Yahuah] who heals you.' " Vaccinations are against Scripture because they are bred on aborted human fetus, monkeys, chimpanzees, guinnea pigs, and have pork gelatin, and poisonous toxins. AIDS and other diseases are spread from live viruses in the vaccines, other than just the virus they are claiming to give you in a dead form. There are 40 other viruses in the vaccines that exist in these unclean animals that are also injected into you when you get vaccinated other than just the one virus you think you are getting in vaccinations. Scripture says if you do righteousness you will be blessed, if you do wickedness, you will be cursed. If you violate Lev 11 clean/ unclean health laws by allowing vaccinations grown on dead unclean animals, you risk inheriting the curse of disease. Many allopathic drugs are made or bred on unclean animals, unclean bugs, or blood in violation of Scripture. For this reason, I also do not use homeopathic remedies as many homeopathic remedies also contain uncleanness according to Scriptural. Herbs are Yahuah's gift of healing. Go to a Naturopath and find what herb might help. I would also suggest having your baby at home with a midwife instead of a hospital. They take your baby away from you at a hospital, and you don't know what they are doing. They vaccinate at one day old. Even if you tell them not to, you can't be sure they won't vaccinate. When you sign the admission papers, you are giving them permission to vaccinate. They won't ask your permission. Also, doctors immediately clamp and cut the cord. This is an unsafe practice. I would never go to a hospital to have a baby. I've read too many horror stories of bad outcomes from hospital births. Statistically speaking midwife assisted home births have better outcomes. There is no such thing as a natural birth at a hospital. They pump saline solution into your blood stream. This dilutes your oxytosin. So that slows your birth down. So then they try to speed your dilation up with pitosin. Pitosin makes your uterus cramp from every direction nonstop. Your own oxytosin, on the other hand, causes the muscles to pull in unison together to open the uterus. Then with oxytosin you get a 2-3 minute rest. You don't even feel like you are in labor. Your rested muscles then have the energy for the next contraction. Like doing bench presses. You get to a point you just can't do one more bench press. Then if you rest a minute, you are ready to go again. With the unnatural drug pitosin, your uterus never gets a rest, and causes the whole procedure to be much more painful. So then they give you drugs for pain. If the drugs are enough to medicate a full-grown mother, they are really over-medicating the unborn small baby. If you can't feel, you can't control your muscles. The drugs to deaden the pain make you less able to push yourself. While birthing, the unmedicated baby helps itself to be born by pushing with its feet. Now because you are too medicated, you are not able to work as hard at pushing yourself and are now dependent on the doctor. The doctor will cut you saying if he doesn't cut you with an episiotomy, you will tear. The truth is if the doctor didn't cut you in the first place you wouldn't have torn. Now because he cut you, you are going to tear even more. If you pull a piece of paper it doesn't tear. But if you start a tear and then pull the paper will tear. The doctor is the cause of your tearing. I had three children at home. The last one was 10 pounds. I did not tear, and I'm only 5'3" The large head of the baby slows down the blood supply giving you a natural numbing so it is not as painful as you would think. I had about 50 orgasms while giving birth to my first baby. I would have missed all the fun had some idiot doctor medicated me to prevent me from feeling anything. Doctors put unnecessary time limits on you. Some midwifes will too, so interview your midwife. You only have so many hours since your water breaks before they perform a C-section, only so many hours total in labor, and so many hours in transition. Most C-sections performed are not necessary. You will not be able to stop a C-section at a hospital. If you don't want a C-section, do not go to a hospital. If you don't want to be cut with an episiotomy don't go to a hospital. If you don't want your baby vaccinated, don't go to a hospital. After I had my first son everyone encouraged me to take him to a pediatrician to check him out. He was perfectly healthy. But because he breathed fast for 60 seconds, the doctor ordered him admitted to the hospital. His breathing rate was then fine and his X-ray showed normal. But the doctor seeing a way to make money ordered him be given two weeks of intravenous antibiotics while ordering a blood test, even though there was absolutely no sign my son was sick. Subsequent X-rays all showed he had no breathing problem. When the blood test also came back showing my son was not sick and had never been sick, the doctor still wanted to finish the intravenous antibiotics. The whole time I was with my son in the hospital I had to fight the nurses who continually tried to prevent me from breast feeding my son. None of this stupidity would have happened had I not taken a well baby to a stupid doctor in the first place. I believe my being vaccinated with MMR a couple of weeks before I conceived my first son coupled with these antibiotics right after birth contributed to my first son being diagnosed with Crohn's disease at the age of two. The doctors then accused me of medical neglect because they wanted to cut out my son's large intestine and throw it in the trash at the age of two. I ran from the hospital. When they found me, CPS took my son away from me and gave him up for adoption. If you don't want this to happen to you, stay away from doctors!!! I haven't seen my son since 1994. A Naturopath would never do something like this to you. Confidential case-files pertaining to the vaccine Infanrix hexaTM (GSK) The average age of deaths among infants reported by the attending Pediatricians range from 7-weeks-old to 4-months-old. All the infants received multiple injections of Infanrix hexaTM, averaging 2-3 doses. All reported deaths occurred within (2-11) days of receiving multiple vaccines, attributed to the "preferred term" Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), with subsequent autopsies found to be either "inconclusive" or showing "no obvious cause of death". Adverse effects compiled include the following: Cardiac arrest, Convulsion, Hypokinesia, Depressed level of consciousness, Mouth haemorrhage, Nasopharyngitis, Asphyxia, Apnoeic attack, Pallor, Oxygen saturation decreased, Heart rate decreased, Sepsis, Viral infection, Pyrexia, Loss of consciousness, Cyanosis, Metabolic disorder, Ataxia, Balance disorder, Diplopia, Strabismus, Nervous system disorder, Adverse drug reaction, Death. Excerpts from case files: "Two days after vaccinations, the subject died in bed." "Less than one day after vaccination, the subject experienced convulsions." "Four days after vaccination with Infanrix hexaTM and Prevenar, the subject was brought to day care centre. At 12:00, the subject was nonresponsive and had blood in his mouth." "sudden infant death in a 7-week-old female four days after vaccination with unspecified doses of Rotarix and Infanrix hexaTM subject experienced suffocation during sleep." "Approximately nine days post-vaccinations, the subject was found lifeless in bed in supine position covered by a cushion/pillow. An emergency physician was only able to certify death." "Approximately 3 days after vaccinations in the morning the subject experienced apnoea. When the emergency care team arrived the subject was unconscious. Cardiac arrest with apnoea and asystole was diagnosed. Resuscitation was unsuccessful." "Five days after vaccinations, the subject experienced ataxia, instability and diplopia (described as strabismus). The physician suspected a possible neurological alteration." "Eleven days after vaccination the subject experienced death NOS. The subject experienced adverse drug reaction and was found dead in her bed after her afternoon nap. The subject had no concomitant medication and no relevant medical history." "This case was reported by the German regulatory authority and described the occurrence of death in a 12-week-old male who was vaccinated with unspecified doses of Infanrix hexa and Prevenar on 9 January 2006. Approximately 11 days post-vaccination, the subject died." "One day after vaccinations, the subject was hospitalised to a paediatric intensive care unit and reanimated, but died from unknown cause." "Next morning after vaccinations, the subject was normally drinking and was put in bed. Approximately two to three hours later, the subject was found lifeless in bed in supine position." "This case was reported by a physician and described the occurrence of possible SIDS in a 3-month-old male who was vaccinated with unspecified doses of Infanrix hexaTM and Prevenar on 29 December 2009. Later on in the evening, the subject was found dead under unknown circumstances in bed." "Sudden infant death syndrome in a 2-month-old male who was vaccinated with unspecified doses of Infanrix hexaTM, RotaTeq and Prevenar on 27 April 2010." Twelve hours after vaccination, the subject went dusky and experienced apnoea attack, reduced oxygen saturation and decreased heart rate. Three days after discharge, the subject had another episode of apnoea and could not be resuscitated. The subject died from sudden infant death syndrome 5 days after vaccination." "Occurrence of cardiovascular arrest in a 3-month-old male who was vaccinated with the 2nd dose of Infanrix hexaTM and Prevenar on 29 September 2009." Approximately three days post-vaccination, subject was found unconscious and the subject's body was blue (cyanosis). Upon arrival of an emergency physician the pupils were medium wide, no pulse could be determined and oxygen saturation could not be measured. The subject was intubated and cardiopulmonary resuscitation was started. Under ongoing resuscitation the subject was transferred to a hospital. In hospital the subject was treated with adrenaline and atropine. Echocardiography and ECG both showed no detectable heart reaction. Body temperature, taken in the ear, was 39.4 degC. Resuscitation was without success and was stopped." Source: VRM Poliomyelitis Occurring After Vaccine Administration The history continued repeating itself all over the world wherever the poliomyelitis vaccines were used. Paralysis developed after both injectable and oral polio vaccines. It comes as no surprise that the most recent mass polio vaccination programs fuelled by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation resulted in increased cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis. In India, two paediatricians, Dr Neetu Vashisht and Dr Jacob Pulliel of the Department of Paediatrics of St Stephens Hospital in Delhi noted that another major ethical issue raised by the campaign is the failure to thoroughly investigate the increase in incidence “of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP)” in areas where many doses of vaccine were used, while noting that these cases are clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis and twice as deadly.  They also noted that while India was declared polio-free in 2011, at the same time there were 47500 cases of NPAFP, which increased in direct proportion to the number of polio vaccine doses received. Independent studies showed that children identified with NPAFP “were at more than twice the risk of dying than those with wild polio infection”. Excerpted from BMJ (British Medical Journal) Polio - A Man-Made Epidemic Doctors are starting to think that the polio epidemics of the 1940s and 1950s may have been caused by the high number of tonsillectomies done in the 1920s, 30s and 40s. They have discovered that the only area of the body that can synthesize the antibody to poliomyelitis is the tonsils. If you don't have tonsils you can't fight off polio. During the polio epidemics it was found that people who had their tonsils removed were 3-5 times more likely to develop paralysis. We did not cause the polio, but we converted people who would have recovered from a viral illness into people with a paralytic illness. Dr R V Southcott believed that a child whose tonsils were removed at the usual age of 5-7 yrs suffers trauma to the nerves of the pharynx which increases susceptibility to bulbar poliomyelitis for at least ten years. In an outbreak in South Australia in 1947-48 he found that in 35 out of 39 cases of bulbar poliomyelitis the patient had been tonsillectomised. Cit. See also, Polio - A Man-Made Epidemic from DDT and Rampant Tonsil Removal?  15 Things You Didn't Know About Polio 1. In the 1800's a popular wallpaper called Paris Green was infused with a potent pesticide. Some of the most toxic substances known to man: copper and arsenic or lead and arsenic. 2. This pesticide worked by causing neurological damage in the bugs, causing organ failure. 3. Polio consists of symptoms synonymous with neurological damage, causing organ failure. 4. Heavy metal poisoning from lead, mercury and other similar heavy metals manifest lesions on neurological tissues, meaning the toxin destroys the nerve/communication pathways connecting the brain to the organs in the body. 5. Polio victims present lesions on neurological tissue, that cause the organs to malfunction all around the body. (lungs, heart, nerves that control walking etc) 6. Polio outbreaks hit throughout the summer, only during pesticide spraying times. (not the sunless and damp winter/spring seasons like other disease outbreaks) 7. Polio had NO ability to spread from infected victims to the uninfected. Polio infected clusters of people in the exact same areas, suddenly and swiftly. 8. Parents report finding their children paralyzed in and around apple orchards. One of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops of the time (with lead arsenate or copper arsenate) were apple orchards. 9. President Roosevelt became paralyzed over night while on his farm in the summer, which contained many crops, including apple orchards. He also swam the day prior in a bay that was heavily polluted by industrial agricultural run off. 10. Dr. Ralph Scobey and Dr. Mortind Biskind testified in front of the U.S Congress in 1951 that the paralysis around the country known as polio was being caused by industrial poisons and that a virus theory was purposely fabricated by the chemical industry and the government to deflect litigation away from both parties. 11. In 1956 the AMA (The American Medical Association) instructed each licensed medical doctor that they could no longer classify polio as polio, or their license to practice would be terminated. Any paralysis was now to be diagnosed as AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) MS, MD, Bell's Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Guillian-Barre etc etc. This was orchestrated purposely to make the public believe polio was eradicated by the polio vaccine campaign, but because the polio vaccine contained toxic ingredients directly linked to paralysis, polio cases (not identified as polio) were skyrocketing...but only in vaccinated areas. 12. The first polio vaccine was worked on by Dr. Jonas Salk and human experiments using this vaccine were conducted purposely on orphans in government/church run institutions because they were vulnerable and didn't require any parental consent signatures, as they had no parents. The vaccine was "declared safe" by "medicine" (as they always are) and that vaccine gave 40,000 orphans polio, permanently paralyzed hundreds and killed at least 10 children. All injuries and deaths under-reported of course by the same authorities who orchestrated the atrocity. This was called The Cutter Incident. 13. The next "improved" polio vaccine, given to hundreds of millions, carried both the SV 40 cancer virus as well as the AIDS virus. Every step of the way, medicine declaring they kn know ow for sure, that this time, they have everything straightened out. Same story then, same story now. 14. In 1962, Dr Bernard G Greenberg testified before Congress that statistics had been used inappropriately to determine the effectiveness of the polio vaccine, and that the vaccine actually increased the incidence of polio by 80%. 15. Later in life, vaccine developer Dr Albert Sabin reflected that vaccination was a failed concept, and that there was no evidence that a vaccine had reduced the incidence of any disease. Fatal Gasping Syndrome in Premature Infants "If you read the vitamin K insert, it states that the benzyl alcohol can cause "fatal gasping syndrome" in premature infants. My son was a few days premature and weighed 6 lbs 4 oz. He had the vitamin K, I did not know any better. For the following 6 months, he gasped in his sleep. He would literally stop breathing and the gasping woke him up. I watched him like a hawk. I never slept. Having your first child die at 5 months and 14 days of age because of vaccines will make you that way. I only learned about the benzyl alcohol in the vitamin K earlier this year and now it all adds up and makes sense. It's a miracle my son is still alive and he probably wouldn't be had I not woke him up and watched his every breath. The bottom line is that everything they do these days to newborn babies is risky, possibly life threatening. Horrifying. I can't go back but I can warn others. Please don't make the same mistakes I did. I had no information and no internet when my daughter was born 20 years ago. I was just barely able to access any info when my son was born but obviously not enough. My maternal instinct told me that a newborn baby shouldn't be injected with anything. I should have listened to that. I am thankful my son is still here and really wish he had an older sister. He's an only child because of my health issues. It would have been risking leaving him with no mother to try to have another child. Jeanice Barcelo is doing a lot to educate people regarding all kinds of things that mothers giving birth should know about. Literally everything being done in a typical birth setting is detrimental and wrong, on so many levels." -Samantha VanZant "My daughter had a "hypersensitivity" reaction to the vitamin K shot at birth. The side affect is listed on the insert. 18 hours after that shot, she screamed non-stop until she was red and shaking. She went on to lose sleep, bowel movements, developed severe reflux and sensory issues." -Heather Leanne  Beyond vital information regarding vaccines, Dr  Humphries' presentations include tips on healthy birthing such as the importance of not cutting the cord until it stops pulsing, and the role of breast feeding in building the baby's immune system. Also, many pregnant mothers have been told that the U.S. does not offer oral vitamin K. That is a lie. Opt for the oral vitamin K drops. The vitamin K shot has a high aluminum content, as well as other chemicals dangerous to a newborn's kidneys. NPR Report: Mutant Strains of Polio Vaccine Now Cause More Paralysis Than Wild Polio June 28, 2017: For the first time, the number of children paralyzed by mutant strains of the polio vaccine are greater than the number of children paralyzed by polio itself. So far in 2017, there have been only six cases of "wild" polio reported anywhere in the world. By "wild," public health officials mean the disease caused by polio virus found naturally in the environment. By contrast, there have been 21 cases of vaccine-derived polio this year. These cases look remarkably similar to regular polio. But laboratory tests show they're caused by remnants of the oral polio vaccine that have gotten loose in the environment, mutated and regained their ability to paralyze unvaccinated children "It's actually an interesting conundrum. The very tool you are using for [polio] eradication is causing the problem," says Raul Andino, a professor of microbiology at the University of California at San Francisco. The oral polio vaccine used throughout most of the developing world contains a form of the virus that has been weakened in the laboratory. But it's still a live virus. (This is a different vaccine than the injectable one used in the U.S. and most developed countries. The injectable vaccine is far more expensive and does not contain live forms of the virus.) Andino studies how viruses mutate. In a study published in March, he and his colleagues found that the laboratory-weakened virus used in the oral polio vaccine can very rapidly regain its strength if it starts spreading on its own. After a child is vaccinated with live polio virus, the virus replicates inside the child's intestine and eventually is excreted. In places with poor sanitation, fecal matter can enter the drinking water supply and the virus is able to start spreading from person to person. "We discovered there's only a few [mutations] that have to happen and they happen rather quickly in the first month or two post-vaccination," Andino says. "As the virus starts circulating in the community, it acquires further mutations that make it basically indistinguishable from the wild-type virus. It's polio in terms of virulence and in terms of how the virus spreads." In June, the World Health Organization reported 15 cases of children paralyzed in Syria by vaccine-derived forms of polio. These cases come on top of two other vaccine-derived polio cases earlier this year in Syria and four in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. More Mystery Paralysis Strikes 5-Year-Olds Every August Government health officials are urging U.S. doctors to be on the lookout for a mysterious [polio-like] condition that has begun to re-emerge in late summer and early fall, targeting healthy young children and leaving them paralyzed. The first sign of what scientists are calling Acute Flaccid Myelitis, or AFM, occurred in 2014, amid an outbreak of a severe respiratory infection caused by the EV-D68 virus. Most of the affected children were healthy until an infection caused fever or cold symptoms about a week before they started losing muscle strength, said officials with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There have been about 570 cases to date. [The outbreaks coorespond to the season when children typically get their school vaccinations, including for polio. Polio, short for Poliomyelitis, is also referred to as Acute Flaccid Paralysis.] More Polio Spread by Vaccines Have Dashed all Hope for Eradication In Africa, the wild polio virus appears to be gone, but the vaccine-derived viruses circulating there are just as dangerous. These strains arise when the weakened live virus used in the oral polio vaccine (OPV) mutates and regains its virulence. In rare instances, where a population's immunity is low, they can spread just like the wild virus. Last year, vaccine-derived viruses paralyzed 105 children worldwide; the wild virus just 33. To prevent outbreaks of vaccine-derived virus, WHO has declared that once the wild virus is gone, countries must stop all use of OPV. As a first step, in April 2016 all countries switched from the trivalent version of OPV—which covers all three types of polio virus—to a bivalent one, which lacks the type 2 component. (Wild type 2 virus is the only one that has been eradicated.) The program's scientific advisers knew some vaccine-derived type 2 virus would linger in the first few years after the switch, sparking outbreaks. But modeling suggested the program could quickly squelch them—without starting new ones—with the judicious use of a new live vaccine, monovalent OPV2 (mOPV2), which is effective against only type 2. It's akin to fighting fire with fire; the gamble was that mOPV2 would not spawn new outbreaks of its own. More Dissolving Illusions by Dr Suzanne Humphries, MD Why do we believe something? Is it because everyone else believes it? Is it because our family and community believe it? Is it because we were told to believe it by someone in a position of power and respect? Were we taught to believe it in school? Do we believe it because the idea has existed for a long time? What if what we believed was nothing more than an illusion? It wasn’t long ago when infections plagued the Western world. Smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, typhoid, diphtheria, whooping cough, and other diseases were once considered a tragic part of life. Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in the deaths from all these infectious diseases, decreasing by the mid-1900s to very low levels. The elimination of these diseases is one of the most amazing, yet unsung, public health revolutions in history. That journey from disease cesspool to our modern world is a tale of plagues and famine, crushing poverty and filth, lost cures, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests, and much more. Dissolving Illusions paints a historic portrait with quotes from the pages of long overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources to reveal a startling history that has been disregarded. With this historic information and originally researched data in the form of myth-shattering graphs, Dissolving Illusions shines new light onto issues that are assumed to be clear-cut and settled long ago. Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping May Benefit Children Years Later A couple of extra minutes attached to the umbilical cord at birth may translate into a small boost in neurodevelopment several years later, a study suggests. Children whose cords were cut more than three minutes after birth had slightly higher social skills and fine motor skills than those whose cords were cut within 10 seconds. The results showed no differences in IQ. "There is growing evidence from a number of studies that all infants, those born at term and those born early, benefit from receiving extra blood from the placenta at birth," said Dr. Heike Rabe, a neonatologist at Brighton & Sussex Medical School in the United Kingdom. Rabe's editorial accompanied the study published Tuesday in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. Delaying the clamping of the cord allows more blood to transfer from the placenta to the infant, sometimes increasing the infant's blood volume by up to a third. The iron in the blood increases infants' iron storage, and iron is essential for healthy brain development. "The extra blood at birth helps the baby to cope better with the transition from life in the womb, where everything is provided for them by the placenta and the mother, to the outside world," Rabe said. "Their lungs get more blood so that the exchange of oxygen into the blood can take place smoothly." More Learn about Pending Vaccine Laws and Connect with Parents Nearby: North American Organizations for Medical Freedom & Vaccine Choice All States: All States: Alliance for Natural Health USA All States: Physicians for Informed Consent Alabama Medical Freedom Alliance Alaska: Health Freedom Alaska Arizona Coalition for Health & Parental Rights Arkansas: Arkansans for Informed Consent California Coalition for Vaccine Choice San Diego & Imperial Counties Health Choice Colorado Springs Support for Vaccine Choice Connecticut: Health Choice Connecticut Health Choice Connecticut (Facebook) Connecticut Freedom Alliance Delaware Vaccine Choice Coalition Florida: Sarasota Vaccination Choice Sarasota-for-Vaccination-Choice (Facebook) Georgia Coalition for Vaccine Choice Georgia Coalition for Vaccine Choice (Facebook) Hawaii: Kauai for Informed Consent Idaho: Health Freedom Idaho Health Freedom Idaho (Facebook) Illinois Vaccine Awareness Illinois Coalition for Informed Consent Indiana Health Choice Coalition Indiana Coalition For Vaccination Choice Iowa: Informed Choice Iowa Informed Choice Iowa (Facebook) Kansas for Vaccine Choice Kentucky Vaccine Rights Coalition Louisiana Parents for Vaccine Rights Maine Coalition for Vaccine Choice Maine Coalition for Vaccine Choice (Facebook) Maryland Vaccine Choice Maryland Coalition for Vaccine Choice Health Choice Massachusetts Health Choice Massachusetts (Facebook) Massachusetts For Medical Freedom Michigan Vaccine Choice Minnesota: Health Choice Minnesota Health Choice Minnesota (Facebook) Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights Montana Families for Health Freedom Montana Vaccine Choice (Facebook) Nebraskans for Vaccine Choice New Hampshire: Vaccine Choice New Hampshire New Mexico Informed Vaccine Choice Nevada: Vaccine Choice Nevada New Jersey Vaccine Choice New York Coalition for Informed Choice New York Alliance for Vaccine Rights North Carolina PAVE (People Advocating for Vaccine Education) Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom (Facebook) Oklahoma for Health and Parental Rights Oklahoma for Health and Parental Rights (Facebook) Oregonians for Medical Freedom Informed Consent Pennsylvania Informed Consent Pennsylvania (Facebook) Health Choice Rhode Island Health Choice Rhode Island (Facebook) South Carolina Health Coalition Health Freedom South Dakota Tennessee Coalition for Vaccine Choice Texans for Vaccine Choice Texans for Vaccine Choice (Facebook) Utah: Vaccine Freedom Utah Vermont: Health Choice Vermont Health Choice Vermont (Facebook) Virginians for Medical Freedom Virginia Families for Vaccine Info & Choice Washington: Informed Choice Washington Informed Choice Washington (Facebook) Vaccine Choice for Washington State Wisconsin United for Freedom West Virginians for Health Freedom Vaccine Choice for VW (Richard Urban's Blog) Wisconsin United for Freedom (Facebook) Wyoming Health Freedom Wyoming Health Freedom (Facebook) Canada: Vaccine Choice Canada All locations: Share your Vaccine Injury Stories
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Anti-vaccine sentiments grow among Canadian parents: survey | CTV News

Anti-vaccine sentiments grow among Canadian parents: survey | CTV News | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
A new survey from the Angus Reid Institute (ARI) shows that opposition to mandatory childhood vaccination in Canada has risen substantially since 2019 to nearly two in five Canadians from one quarter, with 17 per cent of surveyed parents with children under age 18 indicating they were “really...
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Émeute anti-vaccins à Montréal en 1885 | L'Histoire nous le dira #67

En mars 1885, la variole (ou petite vérole) envahit Montréal. Quand j’ai commencé à travailler sur le sujet, je me disais que jamais on ne revivrait ces heures noires d’une époque où l’on ne « croyait» pas aux vaccins. 


Avec: Laurent Turcot, professeur en histoire à l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

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Sources et pour aller plus loin:
BLISS, Michael, Montréal au temps du grand fléau : l’histoire de l’épidémie de 1885, Montréal, Éditions Libre Expression, 1993.
WARREN, Jean-Philippe, Honoré Beaugrand, La plume et l'épée (1848-1906), Montréal, Boréal, 2015.
MARSH, James H., « L'épidémie de variole de Montréal en 1885 », Encyclopédie Canadienne, 2 avril 2013.
GIROUX, Monique T. « Victoriaville : épicentre de la pandémie de la grippe espagnole en Amérique », Québec Histoire, vol. 24, no. 1, 2018, p. 16-18.
GRAVEL, Pauline. "L'épidémie de variole: analyse d'un fléau passé, mais imminent et inévitable" (25 mars 2010), Le Devoir
DICKIN, Janice Patricia Bailey et Erin James-Abra, « Grippe espagnole », L’Encyclopédie canadienne, 29 septembre 2009.
GOULET, Denis et Robert Gagnon, Histoire de la médecine au Québec, 1800-2000, Québec, Septentrion, 2014
TÉTREAULT, Martin. « Les maladies de la misère - aspects de la santé publique à Montréal - 1880-1914 », Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, vol. 36, No 4,‎ mars 1983, p. 507-526.
"Histoire de Montréal avec Laurent Turcot: L'émeute anti-vaccin de 1885" (25 juillet 2017), Ici Première, Émission le 15-18
"Épidémie de variole de Montréal en 1885" Wikipedia (FR)
"Honoré Beaugrand" Wikipedia (FR)
"Émeutes à Montréal contre l’obligation de se faire vacciner", BANQ Numérique

Le texte et les sources ont été vérifiés de manière indépendante par un historien PhD.
Autres références disponibles sur demande.

#histoire #documentaire #emeute #antivax
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Poilievre touts anti-vaccine mandate bill while promising 'bodily autonomy' for all Canadians | CBC News

Poilievre touts anti-vaccine mandate bill while promising 'bodily autonomy' for all Canadians | CBC News | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre rose in the House of Commons Tuesday to urge other MPs to adopt legislation that would prohibit Ottawa from again imposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates on federal workers and the travelling public.
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Les injections de Covid sont dangereuses, que faire si vous en avez reçu une ou deux ? –

Les injections de Covid sont dangereuses, que faire si vous en avez reçu une ou deux ? – | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Mardi, deux médecins canadiens, le Dr Chris Shoemaker et le Dr Mark Trozzi, ont eu une discussion franche sur les dangers des injections de Covid, la guerre contre les médecins canadiens, le rôle de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé ("OMS") dans la pandémie de Covid, les raisons pour lesquelles...
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Bill Gates addresses ‘crazy’ anti-vax protesters — RT World News

Bill Gates addresses ‘crazy’ anti-vax protesters — RT World News | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Microsoft founder Bill Gates has commented on anti-vaccine activists protesting against him during a TED Talk in Canada...
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17 affirmations douteuses de Didier Raoult | Science | Actualités | Le Soleil - Québec

17 affirmations douteuses de Didier Raoult | Science | Actualités | Le Soleil - Québec | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
DÉTECTEUR DE RUMEURS / Il était un microbiologiste célèbre bien avant la pandémie. Il est adulé par certains, en France et ailleurs. Et pourtant, à plusieurs reprises depuis 16 mois, il a tenu des propos douteux ou carrément faux — et ce, indépendamment de ses deux études sur l’hydroxychloroquine dont les résultats sont toujours controversés. Le Détecteur de rumeurs propose un survol de quelques-unes des déclarations de Didier Raoult.
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vu du canada...

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Combating Anti-Science Propaganda | Psychology Today Canada

Combating Anti-Science Propaganda | Psychology Today Canada | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
We need a counteroffensive strategy.
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Mutiny, eh? Canadian officer hit with rare charge for anti-vax allegations

Mutiny, eh? Canadian officer hit with rare charge for anti-vax allegations | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
The mutiny allegation is making its first appearance in more than 20 years.
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Study: The US Is Spreading COVID-19 Misinformation to Canada

Study: The US Is Spreading COVID-19 Misinformation to Canada | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
It claims that Canadians are relatively more exposed to (mis)information from US-based sources than that of domestic sources.
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COVID-19 Vaccines BY STEPHANIE PAPPAS PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE WILL BE AT THE FOREFRONT OF COMBATING vaccine hesitancy brought on by misinformation now that several vaccines have proven to be safe and effective against COVID-19. Right now, more people want a vaccine than can get one, due to low supply. But as a long pandemic winter eases into spring and summer, it will be important to ensure that everyone who could benefit from the vaccine actually rolls up their sleeve to get it. The politicization of COVID-19, messaging about masks, and the mental health impact of social distancing have all made clear how important psychology is during a pandemic. Vaccination is no different. Psychologists will play an important role in ensuring vaccine uptake by determining the best way to fight back against misinformation, along with smoothing logistics and communicating benefits and risks. “It doesn’t matter how great your biomedical innovation is; if people aren’t convinced to use that innovation, then the innovation has no impact at all,” says Gregory Zimet, PhD, a clinical psychologist at the Indiana University School of Medicine who studies vaccine decision-making. VACCINE UPTAKE Psychologists have been tracking vaccination attitudes since spring 2020, trying to understand who is hesitant to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and why. National surveys painted a promising picture as the vaccine rollout began: After a low point of only 50% of Americans saying they were willing to be vaccinated in September, 63% expressed willingness in a national poll taken in late November (Gallup, 2020). Gallup researchers speculated that reports of side effects in the AstraZeneca vaccine trials and fears of a politically driven approval process were the reason for the September slump. A Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation survey taken in December put willingness to be vaccinated at 71% (KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor, 2020), also up from September’s numbers. However, research also suggests that acceptance is unevenly distributed. Kaiser’s ongoing COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor project finds consistent gaps between groups. Those most likely to be hesitant are Republicans, people ages 30 to 49, rural Americans, and Black Americans. Those most likely to be enthusiastic are Democrats, people over 65, the college-educated, and those with major health issues. Reasons for hesitancy vary among these groups, with Republicans less likely to believe COVID-19 is a risk than other hesitant groups, and hesitant Black Americans more worried that the vaccine might have dangerous side effects or give them COVID-19. It’s not clear how many people need to be vaccinated to achieve community immunity, in which the coronavirus pandemic fizzles out because the virus can’t find vulnerable hosts. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci, MD, gave a range of 70% to 85% in December. But if some groups are less likely to be vaccinated than others, pockets of vulnerability could still persist even if overall acceptance is high. Thus, vaccine acceptance is an important part of equity in the fight against COVID-19. VACCINE COMMUNICATION Psychologists and other behavioral scientists are working to inform the communication efforts around the vaccine. A recent report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on equitable vaccination allocation calls for drawing on the established research in risk communication to drive outreach (NASEM Framework for equitable allocation of COVID-19 vaccine, 2020). The National Institutes of Health also released a report in December calling for evidence-based strategies, including tailored messaging and framing vaccination as a beneficial, apolitical decision (COVID-19 vaccination communication: Applying behavioral and social science to address vaccine hesitancy and foster vaccine confidence, 2020). “It shouldn’t be amateur hour with the stakes so high,” says Baruch Fischhoff, PhD, a psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University and a member of the committee that wrote the report. “We should rely on psychological science, not intuition about what people think.” For example, many of the vaccine-eager may be tempted to shame those who have questions or are hesitant. But research shows that positive emotional messages, such as altruism and hope, are more effective than negative ones in encouraging vaccination (Chou, W.-Y. S., & Budenz, A., Health Communication, Vol. 35, No. 14, 2020). It’s also important to know that the Mayo Clinic notes that people with certain health conditions are not currently advised to get the vaccine and encourages people to talk to their health care provider if they have questions. Psychologists need to be sensitive to those who are desperate for the relief of a vaccine but aren’t medically advised to receive one. Many who are hesitant to get vaccinated have deeply personal reasons to feel that way. Mistrust of the medical community among Black Americans, for example, is often rooted in historical events such as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, in which the United States Public Health Service misled and withheld treatment for syphilis from poor Black men between 1932 and 1972. Personal experiences with racism may also foster mistrust; a Kaiser Family Foundation survey in 2020 found that 20% of Black Americans reported personally experiencing racism while seeking health care in the previous 12 months (KFF Survey on Race and Health, October 2020). Tailoring messaging to specific communities is thus very important, Fischhoff says. For historically marginalized communities, it’s particularly crucial to open up two-way lines of communication, he says. One way to do this might be to leverage the power of professional organizations such as APA and the American Public Health Association, which have members in diverse communities all over the country. “They can get the word out and listen to what’s on people’s minds, and they can also get the content and tone right in a way that somebody sitting at a major advertising agency just can’t do,” Fischhoff says. Some collaborations already exist. The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Health Security is addressing vaccine equity and hesitancy with five multidisciplinary local teams in Alabama, southern California, Idaho, Baltimore, and Prince George’s County, Maryland. Neil Lewis Jr., PhD, a social psychologist at Cornell University, is working with a multidisciplinary group to help the New York City health department respond to questions that people ask the doctors administering the COVID-19 vaccines. Often, these concerns contain a kernel of truth, Lewis says. After all, early in the pandemic, experts warned the public that safe vaccines take years to develop. It’s not surprising, then, that people have worries about the safety of a vaccine developed in less than a year. “People have concerns,” Lewis says, “and we have to acknowledge that those are legitimate concerns, let them ask their questions, and respond to them.” The CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System gives a sense of the types of adverse reactions reported, ranging from benign and expected (headache, soreness) to serious (anaphylactic shock and heart attack). However, psychologists using this data should be aware that anyone can enter a report, and the system is not designed to show that an event was caused by the vaccine. Personal experience may also be a powerful tool for vaccine communication. Many doctors and nurses—especially doctors and nurses of color—have been sharing their own vaccine experiences on social media, including any common side effects they may experience. “The slow rollout might end up having this unintended benefit of creating enough time that the broader public can see that, yes, the vaccine is working, the people who are getting it are doing well, so that could help to increase trust in it over time,” Lewis says. For those who are strongly opposed to vaccines based on emotion or ideology, the messaging is more difficult—but not impossible. These strong anti-vax, anti-mask attitudes appear driven by a phenomenon called psychological reactance, says Steven Taylor, PhD, a clinical psychologist at the University of British Columbia in Canada, which is a motivational state driven by the feeling that someone is trying to curtail one’s freedom. For this group, any messaging suggesting that authorities want people to get vaccinated is aversive. Instead, Taylor says, it’s best not to frame vaccination as an obligation. “The best message could be, ‘Getting vaccinated is a right you have; don’t let people take that away from you,’” he says. “That’s not a disingenuous message; it’s an accurate one.” INTENT VERSUS ACTION Even among the willing, vaccination intent does not equal vaccination behavior. There are many people who are not ideologically against vaccines who still don’t get around to getting their annual flu shot. With COVID-19 case rates high this winter, motivation to get the vaccine is also high for many. As spring and summer begin, case numbers and deaths may begin to decline due to virus seasonality and the vaccination of high-risk individuals. With the danger less immediate, people may be less motivated to make vaccination appointments, says Gretchen Chapman, PhD, a professor of social and decision sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. Another complication is that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require two doses, administered 3 or 4 weeks apart, to be most effective. Getting people to come in for the second dose at the right time is a separate problem from getting them to come in for the first dose, Chapman says: “In the first round you’ll take whoever shows up, but in the second round you need the exact people who were there the first time, exactly 3 weeks later.” However, while intervening to change people’s vaccination beliefs can be difficult, there are proven methods for changing vaccine behavior, Chapman says. These include reminders, automatically scheduled appointments, and strategies to make logistics for the patient as seamless as possible. Health systems or pharmacy chains could capitalize on the winter’s vaccine enthusiasm by having people sign up to be notified when vaccines are available for their risk group, Chapman says. People may also need paid time off from work to get the vaccine and recover from mild side effects, including localized and temporary pain, swelling, or redness at the injection site, Lewis says. “If people don’t have the time or have other logistical hurdles in the way, we’re in trouble,” he says. Behavioral science can help smooth the logistics of vaccination for underserved populations. University of California, Los Angeles, psychologist Vickie Mays, PhD, has developed a model of neighborhood vulnerability to COVID-19 in Los Angeles County, based on indicators like preexisting health conditions of residents and social exposure to the virus (BRITE Center, 2020). Similar models could be used across the country to open vaccination sites and focus outreach for the most vulnerable. Natural incentives may also encourage vaccination even among people who are not worried about the coronavirus and their own health. Incentives might include airlines requiring proof of vaccination for international travel or sports venues requiring proof of vaccination for entry to events, Chapman says. However, such incentives might also deepen inequities for groups who are less able to access the vaccine. Direct monetary incentives are likely to backfire. Research led by psychologist and marketing professor Cynthia Cryder, PhD, of Washington University in St. Louis, found that paying people to participate in potentially risky research studies made the participants believe that the studies were more risky than if they weren’t paid (Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 70, No. 3, 2010). The money “conveys that this is a risky thing that you don’t want to do unless we’re paying you,” Chapman says. Such results highlight the importance of field studies going forward during the COVID-19 vaccine deployment, she says. Interventions need to be tested in a real-world context. At the Behavior Change for Good Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania, economist Katy Milkman, PhD, and colleagues have tested nearly two dozen text message reminder strategies for flu vaccinations with real patients at health systems and customers at Walmart pharmacies. Preliminary results from doctors’ offices, currently being prepared for publication, suggest that a variety of messages can boost vaccination, with 21% of messages tested significantly boosting vaccination rates. The most successful, a two-part reminder that told patients that a flu vaccine had been reserved for them at their upcoming well-check visit, boosted vaccination 10% at essentially zero cost, Milkman said in a Jan. 6 webinar hosted by the Science of Behavior Change Research Network. Milkman and her colleagues plan to release results from more than 500,000 Walmart pharmacy customers in late January. Building the knowledge and capacity to enact COVID-19 vaccination will pay off long after the pandemic is over, Taylor says. “Now, having lived it, we all know how important psychology is,” he says. “We need to keep these platforms up and running. We shouldn’t dismantle them after the pandemic is over, because they’re going to be important for preparing for the next pandemic.” HESITANCY BY THE NUMBERS In late November and early December 2020, 27% of respondents to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll on the COVID-19 vaccines said they probably or definitely would not be vaccinated. Among groups more hesitant than average, the percent who said they probably or definitely wouldn’t get the vaccine were as follows: 42% Republicans 36% Ages 30–49 35% Rural residents 35% Black adults 33% Essential workers 31% Independents 29% Health care workers 29% Men 28% Ages 18–29 The main concerns among the 27% who did not want to be vaccinated were: ■ Worries about possible side effects (59% total, but 71% among hesitant Black adults) ■ Distrust in government to make sure vaccine is safe and effective (55%) ■ Vaccine too new, want to wait and see how it works for others (53%) ■ Politics has played too large of a role in vaccine development (51%) ■ Risk of COVID-19 is exaggerated (43% total, but 57% among hesitant Republicans) SOURCE: KFF COVID-19 VACCINE MONITOR (KFF HEALTH TRACKING POLL, NOV. 30–DEC. 8, 2020). FURTHER READING Increasing vaccination: Putting psychological science into action Brewer, N. T., et al. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 2017 A proactive approach for managing COVID-19: The importance of understanding the motivational roots of vaccination hesitancy for SARS-CoV2 Taylor, S., et al. Frontiers in Psychology, 2020 Behaviorally informed strategies for a national COVID-19 vaccine promotion program Volpp, K. G., et al. JAMA, 2020 Coronavirus disease 2019 and vaccination of children and adolescents: Prospects and challenges Zimet, G. D., et al. The Journal of Pediatrics, 2020 IMAGES FROM TOP: STR/NUPPHOTO/GETTY IMAGES; BRIAN KAISER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES/REDUX; NATIONAL ARCHIVES; SCOTT OLSON/GETTY IMAGES; NATIONAL ARCHIVES; J M. SCOTT BRAUER/REDUX
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