Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations"
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How Healthcare Must Respond to Anti-Vaxxer Social Media

How Healthcare Must Respond to Anti-Vaxxer Social Media | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |

Measles outbreaks are at a record high across the U.S. At last count, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted 764 cases across 23 states. Nine of those states are experiencing full-blown outbreaks. It’s hard not to connect these statistics back to individuals who choose not to get vaccinated — why, after all, are we suffering outbreaks of a disease that can be prevented?

By allowing users to fan the flames of conspiracy theories, social media networks like Facebook and YouTube have reignited the debate over vaccinations. This widely circulates debunked theories, like the idea that vaccinations can cause autism. While there are no clear data linking social media influence to anti-vaccination beliefs, the potential consequences may well be playing out offline, with measles outbreaks popping up across the country.

While tech companies are left to grapple with finding solutions, how can medical professionals combat this misinformation? What is healthcare’s responsibility, from clinicians to health system leaders? Inside Digital Health™ spoke with three physicians to find out how healthcare leaders can respond to this wave of misinformation.

Create Counter-Resources to Vaccine Misinformation

Social media aside, the internet allows for a lot of information to be presented unchecked and in misleading ways. Researchers found evidence of about 500 anti-vaccine websites, according to a study published in the Journal of Communication in Healthcare.

Daniel Salmon, Ph.D., director of the Institute for Vaccine Safety at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said what he finds really alarming are websites that appear to belong to legitimate health organizations. He pointed to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) as one example.

“The AAPS is a fringe group,” Salmon said. “I know the difference. I know what the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) and the AAFP (American Academy of Family Physicians) are, and I know it’s not the AAPS. But for many people, that difference isn’t going to be clear. It’s a great example of where there is misinformation that is being propagated that has the appearance of being legitimate.”

While such misinformation will continue to live online, Salmon said he believes one solution is to provide correct information that is easily accessible to the public. The Institute for Vaccine Safety, for instance, addresses many safety questions on its website.

“We cover 50 different vaccine safety topics, and for each one we have a systematic review, and then we summarize the evidence and draw conclusions whether the vaccine causes the adverse reaction or not” Salmon added. “We’re trying to instead provide accurate and succinct information.”

Have Open Discussions About Vaccines

Some health experts have urged Facebook and other tech companies to limit the influence of groups that promote anti-vaccination messages. But Salmon said he has concerns about the impact of limiting free speech online.

Sanjay Jain, M.D., director of the Center for Infection and Inflammation Imagining and professor of pediatrics at Johns Hopkins, said healthcare leaders should take these conversations offline. Colleagues do discuss the latest news and as a professor, Jain said it’s important to talk with students about these situations and what to say to patients who bring incorrect information or concerns.

Discussion between doctors and patients is important. Health systems and management teams need to further encourage their staff to be patient and willing to have these conversations. Remind them that most people that come across anti-vaccine information are not hardcore believers. They are likely just skeptical.

study by UCLA and University of Illinois psychologists found that telling parents their fears are uninformed or erroneous does not help to change their mind. So the approach of each health system and individual physician matters. Understand that it may take some time and more than one conversation.

“People need to understand that there are still some good reasons why vaccines are being given,” Jain said.

Tammy Lundstrom, M.D., J.D., senior vice president and chief medical officer for Trinity Health in Michigan, added that every death that could have been prevented by vaccines is a reminder that these diseases are not benign.

“We need to keep repeating the messages and spend more time explaining the benefit of vaccinations to patients and families,” she said.

Become Advocates for Vaccines

Anti-vaxxer ideas would likely carry less weight if more doctors spoke out against them publicly. Physicians should advocate for what they believe in, Lundstrom said, and health systems should enable doctors to become pro-vaccine thought leaders in the digital age.

“The medical community has a responsibility to raise its voice,” she said. “We have to talk about it and work hard to educate those with anti-vaccination beliefs. Providers can take opportunities with individuals and groups as they arise, but they can also work proactively to raise awareness about the myths and truths of vaccinations.”

At Trinity Health, physicians make local media appearances and participate in health events in the hopes of raising awareness about vaccinations. They also practice what they preach and require influenza vaccinations for all colleagues and providers.

In addition to media appearances, she suggests more health experts and organizations should turn to social media to try and “spread” accurate information. Research by The Conversation, suggests that those who have turned to social media are making a difference.

Looking specifically at Twitter, researchers found pro-vax information is starting to overtake anti-vaccination messages. Notably, some of the most influential accounts including the World Health Organization (@WHO), UNICEF (@UNICEF) and Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) drive these conversations with discussions around legislation and policy.

“The goal is to put context to what happens if you don’t [get vaccinated],” Jain said. “That kind of campaigning needs to happen, and advocacy needs to happen at a bigger level.”

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Rescooped by Gilbert C FAURE from Immunology and Biotherapies!

Fake News and Vaccinations Bobcatsss 2020

Point of view of an Immunologist/curator in 2020

Gilbert C FAURE's insight:

This topic became a research action project at CREM (Centre de Recherche sur les médiations)

Ir covers not only Fake News still thriving on the internet,

but also efforts of many (supranational bodies, scientific societies, researchers...) to improve health literacies of laypeople, and medical students on this sensitive topic...


Nous avons rejoint le réseau  SHS Vaccination France

Une première réunion virtuelle a réuni une trentaine de participants et a permis d'écouter une présentation sur l'hésitation vaccinale.

Prochaine réunion en distanciel le 14 juin 2024 sur le sujet des personnels infirmiers .

Le sujet des "Health professionals" est couvert sur


We also joined

The collaboration on social science and immunisation (COSSI): a successful Australian research and practice network

plusieurs réunions organisées down under, mais c'est loin.


The topic addresses Fake news as a global problem, extracting material focusing on vaccinations, vaccination hesitancy and anti-vax attitudes. The subject is evolving constantly with health consequences all over the world.


Published papers related to this subject are also posted.


Fake News related to Covid and vaccinations slightly decreased compared to other topics such as ukrainian war, gaza war, even sports related informations...

but the diffusion of discussions remains steady all over the world, particularly on social networks in France and elsewhere!


Unfortunately, as Jonathan Swift so eloquently said: Reasoning will never make a man correct an ill opinion, which by reasoning he never acquired.

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F Lecardonnel ClinResearch Specialist on LinkedIn: Les vaccins anti-Covid sont sûrs chez les jeunes

F Lecardonnel ClinResearch Specialist on LinkedIn: Les vaccins anti-Covid sont sûrs chez les jeunes | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
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Thread by @ClaudeSteve6 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

Thread by @ClaudeSteve6 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
@ClaudeSteve6: Ok, les fonds de l'Université de Chypres ont servi à financer une (énième) "étude" antivax complètement merdique qui cite dans sa biblio le "fameux" document merdique non publié de Denis Rancourt et J...…
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Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Memorial Day: A Historical Perspective

Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Memorial Day: A Historical Perspective | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
This Memorial Day discover the connection to now vaccine-preventable diseases. Remember those who died in the military of diseases like smallpox, typhoid, and influenza.
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McCullough Foundation on LinkedIn: #mfscholar | 19 comments

McCullough Foundation on LinkedIn: #mfscholar | 19 comments | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
BREAKING - Our new study found a 1,236% increase in excess deaths after the vac.. campaign in King County, Washington. A quadratic increase in excess… | 19 comments on LinkedIn
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Jocelyn M. on LinkedIn: Another post that is being debunked again…And comes another month and…

Jocelyn M. on LinkedIn: Another post that is being debunked again…And comes another month and… | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Another post that is being debunked again…And comes another month and another lying post on aluminum. Let’s be clear here, and debunk this myth and lie again…
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Trump rally pledges against vaccine mandates risk our kids' lives | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
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The FLCCC bestows the fake title of "senior fellow" to twelve antivax quacks

The FLCCC bestows the fake title of "senior fellow" to twelve antivax quacks | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
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Toolbox of individual-level interventions against online misinformation | Nature Human Behaviour

The spread of misinformation through media and social networks threatens many aspects of society, including public health and the state of democracies. One approach to mitigating the effect of misinformation focuses on individual-level interventions, equipping policymakers and the public with essential tools to curb the spread and influence of falsehoods. Here we introduce a toolbox of individual-level interventions for reducing harm from online misinformation. Comprising an up-to-date account of interventions featured in 81 scientific papers from across the globe, the toolbox provides both a conceptual overview of nine main types of interventions, including their target, scope and examples, and a summary of the empirical evidence supporting the interventions, including the methods and experimental paradigms used to test them. The nine types of interventions covered are accuracy prompts, debunking and rebuttals, friction, inoculation, lateral reading and verification strategies, media-literacy tips, social norms, source-credibility labels, and warning and fact-checking labels. Kozyreva et al. review evidence from individual-level interventions for fighting online misinformation featured in 81 scientific papers. They classify the interventions in nine different types and summarize their findings in a toolbox.
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The post-pandemic era of vaccine delivery

The post-pandemic era of vaccine delivery | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
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Françoise Halper on LinkedIn: #désinformation #iagénérative #information #deepfakes #clones #match…

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Information, désinformation, un match très disputé !

L’écoute et le regard sur notre monde numérique, qui me permettent de vous informer ici assidument…
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Pro-Vaccine Doctor Comes Clean: “We Were Fooled – the Vaccines Are Poison”

Pro-Vaccine Doctor Comes Clean: “We Were Fooled – the Vaccines Are Poison” | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
A pro-vaccine doctor who encouraged thousands of patients to take the COVID-19 vaccine during the pandemic has admitted that the vaccines are actually poison, and has apologized for being fooled by Big Pharma and not doing her own due diligence.
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The First Five Errors in Turtles All The Way Down

The First Five Errors in Turtles All The Way Down | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
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Vincent Iannelli, MD on LinkedIn: The New Normal - Blame Everything On COVID Vaccines

Vincent Iannelli, MD on LinkedIn: The New Normal - Blame Everything On COVID Vaccines | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
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Jocelyn M. on LinkedIn: Physicians for Informed Consent , and LinkedIn , How many times are we…

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As states loosen childhood vaccine requirements, public health experts’ worries grow –

As states loosen childhood vaccine requirements, public health experts’ worries grow – | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Experts worry the renewed opposition to childhood immunizations will reverse state gains in vaccination rates.
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Fake news: Susceptibility, awareness, and solutions

The proliferation of fake news poses a growing global threat, affecting politics, individual decision-making, and economic outcomes. This column discusses how informing individuals about their susceptibility to fake news affects their willingness to pay to protect themselves from misinformation. While people often overestimate their ability to discern fake news, raising awareness about their susceptibility affects – causally and positively – their willingness to pay to protect themselves from the adverse consequences of fake news, such as by investing in fact-checking services.
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Michael Patmas, MD, FACP on LinkedIn: Which countries have mandatory childhood vaccination policies?

Michael Patmas, MD, FACP on LinkedIn: Which countries have mandatory childhood vaccination policies? | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
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Diego Mpia Elenge, MD, MSc on LinkedIn: Social histories of public health misinformation and infodemics: case…

Diego Mpia Elenge, MD, MSc on LinkedIn: Social histories of public health misinformation and infodemics: case… | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
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FRANCE-SOIR on LinkedIn: Quel pourrait être le lien entre les injections contre la Covid-19 et les… | 20 comments

FRANCE-SOIR on LinkedIn: Quel pourrait être le lien entre les injections contre la Covid-19 et les… | 20 comments | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
TRIBUNE - Une nouvelle étude fait le lien entre injections contre le covid-19 et la surmortalité.👇 | 20 comments on LinkedIn
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Enquête ICOVAC Vague 2 : Opinions des Français sur les vaccins à l’hiver 2023 | ORS Paca

Enquête ICOVAC Vague 2 : Opinions des Français sur les vaccins à l’hiver 2023 | ORS Paca | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
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Misperceptions about routine childhood vaccination among parents in Australia, before and after the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey study

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Un pour tous… tous vaccinés !

Un pour tous… tous vaccinés ! | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Comment mettre à jour le calendrier vaccinal de nos patients afin de leur assurer la meilleure protection possible.
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