Cayo Tour Guide Association AGM | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |
The CTGA had their annual general meeting last night at Hode's.
Congratulations to the new crew!
President: Emil Gamez
Vice President: Juan Carlos
Treasurer: Mr. Anastacio Bol
Secretary: Fidel Montes Jr.

"On a yearly basis we elect the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and three board members. And every three years we elect a liaison to the BTB, Belize Tourism Board... Out going President Joe Awe severed for seven years, he was the president for four consecutive years the then there was a hiatus for a few years as he was studying at Galen University. He returned with the vengeance as if he had unfinished business and did another three years. We certainly applaud Joe Awe for the many years he served and dedicated in office, as a great boxer with many fights and titles belts he now steps back and retires."