Benque HoC Heritage Tour Sign | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Benque House of Culture got their Heritage Tour sign installed. They are stop number 4 on Benque's new Heritage Tour.  Did you know it used to be the police station?  If you want to see the brochure for the tour, along with the map, it's here: ; Congratulations, Benque, HoC!


"This structure served as the Police Station from the early 1950s until 2000.  It was officially opened as the House of Culture on 6 September 2001 under the auspices of the Community of Artists for Cultural and Historical Endeavors(CACHE) and the National Institute for Culture and History(NICH).  The permanent exhibit includes a historical timeline     of Benque Viejo, archival materials such as documents and artifacts donated by Benqueños.  Among the objects stored in the HOC is a marimba, the autochthonous musical instrument.  The House of Culture organizes temporary exhibitions by local and foreign artists and promotes a range of activities and workshops in music, visual arts and crafts."