Maya King of Cahal Pech | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Archaeological news of the day, courtesy of Nine Eco Cultural Tours.  King Kawil Ka’an Chan Ba’lam was his name.  Cahal Pech is still actively being excavated by Dr. Awe and his archaeological students, and they've made some great discoveries.

"In the Summer of 2013 Dr. Jaime Awe and archaeologists colleagues did some excavations at the summit of the grand temple in Plaza B of the site...  This was a special gift to the King Kawil Ka’an Chan Ba’lam whose remains was embellished with jade jewellery and a corn god relief.  His name, most impressively, was on a ring made out of the remains of a deer antler.  Awesome!  For the first time, since the early 1950′s when Linton Satterwaite first excavated Cahal Pech, we are introduced to a name of a King.  Sixty four years we waited and with lucky strokes of the pick axe and the faithful trowel and faithful and ambitious archaeologists, a royal tomb, for the world to know that a living god walked here."