What I Think is Important About Recycling and Helping the Earth! | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

Another great Eco Kid essay entry for Chaa Creek's Eco Kid Summer Camp.  This one's from Nia Beane the Recycling Queen.


"I am Nia Beane, I like being Eco-friendly and I am sure I will enjoy going to this camp.  I am very glad when I hear the word 'Eco' or 'Recycle' because those are words of two wonderful ideas.  I have been recycling for quite a while with bottles, containers, and plastic items and dropping them off at the Radisson Recycling Center in Belize City.  Now in my house they call me the 'Recycling Queen.'  I like caring for plants, animals, trees, and things in the jungle because they provide us with lots of things and sometimes animals are in danger.  When you are Eco-friendly you help the world and make it a better place to live and enjoy for people and animals.  It is good when you help the environment because it makes Belize beautiful and helps lots of people."