Night of Expressive Talents | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Tonight at Cayo's Soul Project, there will be poetry readings, music, and an open mic.  Go see some amazing up and coming talent.


"A night of expressive arts that include perfomances varying from Poetry, to live musical performances by local artists, modeling and even an open mic.   So anyone interested in performing can just arrive at the venue and perform.


Jackee Burns and Lyric Nation
Emmanuel Mangar and Catherine Garnett
Natalie Williams

Location: Soul project- While heading up the hill towards the San Ignacio hotel, It is located right next to the San Ignacio commercial center building at the bottome of the hill. A green and white 2 story wooden building on the opposite side of the street from the police station.

Food and Drinks (beer) !!!!"