UB Relathon Won by Females | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

Congratulations to the UB Females for winning the 36th annual University of Belize Relathon.

"The thirty-sixth UB Annual Relathon was held on Sunday, March 24, where the females emerged victorious over the males.  The males started in San Ignacio in front of the police station at 8:45 a.m, and the females started at Belmopan Market Square.  The females finished at 3:46 p.m. while the males arrived 15 minutes later.  The best times per mile are as follows:

Best female times:
Tischelle Solis - 6:04
Irice Reyes - 6:21
Arlene Bennett - 6:25

Males best times.
Danilio Marcilio - 5:04
Kent Welch - 5:12
Uhuru Mckoy - 5:29

A total of 41 females participated for the females, and 48 for the males.  This victory by the females closes in the margin of wins which is at 18-15 in favor of the males.  Congratulations to winners and all participants!"