Cayo is for Nature Lovers | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Cayo was featured again on the Huffington Post and on International Living.   Mr. Greedy's, the Saturday market, and Rotary all got mentioned in the fact filled article.


"Geographically, the more than 2,000 square miles of this district offer everything from broad farmlands, gently rolling citrus orchards and cattle ranches to rugged mountains laced with caves and deep river gorges.  No wonder that along with agriculture, eco-tourism is now a mainstay of Cayo's economy.  Tourists are drawn by the many caves, waterfalls, and Maya archeological sites... more sites than any other district in Belize.  In fact, more than 60 percent of Cayo district is wildlife sanctuary, national park, or preserve."