Chaa Creek Eco Kids Camp 2013 | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Happy Earth Day!  Chaa Creek has announced their Eco Kids Camp for 2013.  It's a free 9 day all-inclusive camp, and the kids get to stay at the Macal River Camp the entire time, while learning about the environment.  Truly an experience of a lifetime.  They are having an essay competition; simply send in a 300 word essay explaining why you want to be an Eco Kid.  Kids between the ages of 8 and 13 are eligible.  Good luck!


Promo from 2012:


"Some of our guided educational activities include: Hiking to ancient Maya sites where we will perform archaeological excavations, Horseback Riding through Jungle Trails while studying the medicinal flora within our 365-acre private reserve, Song writing and talent show sessions, Hands-on sustainable organic farming techniques, and Supervised water activities."