A Painted Conversation | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

A mural is coming to the wall on Burns avenue.  They have some grand designs, and have started a crowdfunding campaign to raise the much needed funds.  Check out their idea at the kickstarter page.  If it's half as nice as they plan, it'll be beautiful.

"From conception to execution, publicity to painting- students, teachers, artists and community participants from the San Ignacio area will be involved in the development and artistic implementation of the project.  The communities feedback will be integrated into the final design of the mural, giving voice to the participants.  A Painted Conversation multi-media collaborative mural will express a positive and uplifting message.  Our hope is to create a collective vision through an investigation into the assets of the community.  The mural will integrate mosaic, painting and possible 3D elements in a final artwork that will integrate the community’s ideas to beautify and bring meaning to San Ignacio for many decades to come."