50 Free Tools and Apps for Web Designers and Developers | Best | Scoop.it

Over the past year or so I have bookmarked hundreds of various tools and resources covering all aspects of web & mobile development – There are tools that will improve your work-flow, resources that will clean and validate code, apps that will allow you to collaborate with any number of colleagues, bookmarklets that let you create mockups within your browser, productivity checklists, sites that will track and keep a watchful eye on your sites… and on … and on.

So, having all of these amazing bookmarks, I thought I would share my 50 favorites with you. I have split the article into the following sub-categories for easier browsing: General Web Development Tools, Web Typography Apps, Browser Tools, Web Site Analysis Apps and, finally, Productivity Apps & Tools.

The apps also don’t include frameworks, Javascript plugins nor template tools, they are all strictly small tools that can help with your development productivity.

Compiling an article about my favorite free web development apps from the past year or so, as you can imagine, was not an easy task, and the chances are that I may have missed a few, so why don’t you tell us about your favorite free development apps within the comment section below. You never know we might collate enough for a part 2 of this post!