Hadoop, Business Analytics and Beyond - Wikibon | Big Data Research | Scoop.it

A Big Data Manifesto from the Wikibon Community:


"From storage and server technology that support Big Data processing to front-end data visualization tools that bring new insights alive for end-users, the emergence of Big Data also provides significant opportunities for hardware, software, and services vendors. Those vendors that aid enterprises in their transitions to Big Data practitioners, both in the form of identifying Big Data use cases that add business value and developing the technology and services to make Big Data a practical reality, will be the ones that thrive.


Make no mistake: Big Data is the new definitive source of competitive advantage across all industries. Enterprises and technology vendors that dismiss Big Data as a passing fad do so at their peril and, in our opinion, will soon find themselves struggling to keep up with more foreword-thinking rivals. For those organizations that understand and embrace the new reality of Big Data, the possibilities for new innovation, improved agility, and increased profitability are nearly endless."