MENTOR Releases a Series of Supplements to the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring | The Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring  | Box of delight |

Back in October, MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership released the first entry in a series of planned supplements to their core Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring™ publication. The initial publication in the series focuses on mentoring programs that emphasize getting youth interested in and on career pathways in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The STEM Mentoring Supplement to the EEPM offers an in-depth review of the research on STEM mentoring programs, a typology of STEM mentoring programs broken down by age of youth served, and sections that detail new and expanded Benchmarks and Enhancements that can specifically help STEM mentoring programs hit the mark. The resource was generously funded by biotech leaders Genentech, who also supported a working group of programmatic and STEM industry leaders in reviewing and approving the recommendations.