33 Social Media Career Tips [infographics] | business analyst | Scoop.it

Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest and Google+ are all sites that are gaining popularity on the Web and employer know it, which is why it’s important to optimize Internet presence with some social media career tips.

As companies search for their next viable candidate, sifting through hundreds and thousands of resumes for the perfect one, a common deciding factor is their presence online. While it is important to make one’s presence known, some commit the seriously sinful acts online, consequently deterring any potential future with a company and even the dream job.

With a few online image-building tips and strategic planning, these infographics can help individuals fight off the status-sharing obsession as well as reveal what employers are looking for in candidates online-wise. The social media career tips also explain how people can Tweet, Like, Pin or Plus 1 to maximize hiring potential for their desired field...

Via Lauren Moss