How 3d Printing Is Impacting Business Communication | Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication |

3D printing is a manufacturing process in which material is laid down, layer by layer, to form a three-dimensional object. 


3D printing has revolutionized many industries. As a result, here are some of the ways 3D printing is impacting business communication:

Faster Prototyping: 3D printing has made it possible for businesses to create rapid prototypes, facilitating communication between designers and engineers to iterate and refine product concepts. It also makes it easier to demonstrate visual representations of products.

Reduced Costs: Traditional manufacturing methods can be costly, but 3D printing allows businesses to manufacture products at a faster and more affordable rate and prototype components without the need for expensive tooling costs.

Customization: 3D printing enables customization and mass personalization of products, leading to unique and tailored customer experiences. By designing parts for a specific end-use, companies can design improved replacement parts within shorter lead times.

Productivity: 3D printing can harness returns in productivity for businesses by printing custom-made tools, optimized fixtures, jigs or parts, reducing lead times, cost, and complexity.

Visual Aids: 3D printing enables businesses to create visual aids to explain concepts and products. By using physical models, individuals can solidify their understanding quickly and can easily grasp the relationships among parts.

Overall, 3D printing has transformed how businesses communicate, making it easier to create prototypes, allowing for customization, and providing simplified visual aids that enhance understanding and communication among team members, suppliers, and customers.

Bovee and Thill are the leading authors in technology coverage in business communication textbooks. To order review copies of their texts, visit