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onto Business Tips!

Living The Dream When You Have No Money

Living The Dream When You Have No Money | Business Tips |
When Cash Is Tight When Pursuing Your Passion - Image Credit : Payday Loans (Flickr) Have you ever love to pursue your dream and follow the path of been on

Via Martin (Marty) Smith, Agnipravo Sengupta
EZIA's insight:

It is possible to live your dream -  I've started several businesses with no money.  No one ever said that you need to buy advertising or find a service or product that cost upfront money.  Be creative - start small and then build your dream - whether it's a business or a different lifestyle.  Look for free resources that will guide you toward making your dream happen.  Don't stash your dream in a closet or basement - put your dream on paper and then let the world know about it.  Only you can make it happen!

Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, August 21, 2013 10:47 AM

Great Money or Your Life Advice
Take it from a cancer survivor to READ and LIVE Mayowa's advice. Among my "life lessons" are many of the examples and truths shared here. Here are a few "hard won" lessons I would add:

* There is ALWAYS enough money.
* You have everything you need NOW (so don't wait).
* When in doubt SIMPLIFY.

* Share, Share and SHARE (good and bad).
* Friends ROCK so cherish, value and reward them.

* Failure happens (don't STOP or SLOW DOWN).
* HUMBLE (works when you have NOTHING or SOMETHING).
* LOVE (life is too short not to love what you do and who you are doing it with).

I've gone broke several times. Right now I'm betting the farm and my 401k for the 4th time (and giving most of my time, energy and money away to learn how to help cure cancer). GIVE until you are desparate and then give some more. Giving when you have NOTHING is the true gift.

You will NOT starve or be homeless. The WORST thing is death and taken from one who stares at the Big C on a regular basis death isn't all its cracked up to be (lol). If you live in fear you don't live.

Don't let the "sing around the fire" sound of my advice deny the hard realities you may face at this moment. Life can be TOUGH and HARD (trust me I know), but put the headphones on and DO SOMETHING even if it the wrong thing.

The world is divided between those who can DO things and those who aspire to do things. As Seth Godin says, "Artists SHIP" so simplify, fail and SHIP (and keep shipping).

If an experience doesn't kill you it makes you stonger and if it does kill you back off a tad (lol). Great advice here, advice I've lived and am living and nothing quickens your heart as much as loving what you do and making a difference. When in doubt HELP PEOPLE and you will never starve :).  

Business Tips
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Scooped by EZIA!

Aptera Picks EVE Energy As Battery Cell Supplier For Its Solar EV

EV startup Aptera Motors has picked EVE Energy as the lithium ion battery cell supplier for its lightweight three-wheeler SEV (Solar Electric Vehicle).
EZIA's insight:
New Solar Electric Vehicle Coming Soon - should be cheaper to run then hybrids. 
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Rescooped by EZIA from Educational Technology News!

Using Virtual Reality to Enhance Existing Lessons

Using Virtual Reality to Enhance Existing Lessons | Business Tips |
Virtual reality can enhance educational experiences and is a powerful way to foster student engagement.

EZIA's insight:
Keep the school trips in the classroom and take students to places they've never been.  Great tool for education.  
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Rescooped by EZIA from Web Dev, Web Design and Digital Marketing!

Being Organized Equals Small Business Success 

Being Organized Equals Small Business Success  | Business Tips |
"You started your own business because you have a burning passion for what you do. You are also – we hope — good what you do and have a desire to help others. Little do you know that running a business includes, well…running a business. This little bombshell can throw many a new business owner for a loop."

Via Jay
EZIA's insight:
Stay organized and succeed!
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Rescooped by EZIA from Careers & Employability!

CES 2018: Why No Women Speakers?

CES 2018: Why No Women Speakers? | Business Tips |

“If we do not share our stories and shine a light on inequities, things will not change.” - Ellen Pao


Via Birkbeck Careers & Employability
EZIA's insight:
What happened to Diversity in industries?
Birkbeck Careers & Employability's curator insight, January 17, 2018 6:40 AM
CES 2018 in Las Vegas is the Tech world’s biggest technology conference, showcasing all that is new, disruptive and forward thinking in business consumer technology, giving us glimpses of the hot new tech trends to watch out for. It all sounds great, but take a closer look…With all the current debate and conversation around sexism in Tech, how can this Leviathan of all that is Tech, the CTA have got it so wrong? The CES, whose mission states its role as educating the consumer technology industry and bringing together manufacturers, retailers and pioneering thinkers,  should be the obvious platform from which to start promoting the role of women in Tech and their contribution to the industry. This would help remove the glass ceiling preventing many women from achieving more senior roles in the sector. Instead of being a mover and shaker, CSE 2018 has been criticised for having no keynote women speakers, they have also been criticised for not having a code of conduct in an effort to promote diversity and inclusion in what is a very male-focused space.  Many women working in Tech have decided to boycott CES because of this very lack of inclusivity and dearth of women and minority speakers. One wonders for how long this rather lopsided gathering of Tech leaders can continue ignoring the elephant in the room? When will its leadership and governance become more proactive and do what it takes to make women representing the industry feel more welcome providing an additional platform for their voice to be heard in, when its leaders are not represented and feel excluded? Read Pip Wilson's article and let us know what you think!
Rescooped by EZIA from Technology in Business Today!

25 Ways to Increase Sales and Lead Generation

25 Ways to Increase Sales and Lead Generation | Business Tips |
Here are 25 ways you can increase website conversions, not only to the point of becoming a lead, but to the point of becoming a qualified lead.

Via TechinBiz
EZIA's insight:
Getting people to your website can be a task for many companies - getting leads to increase sales is another challenge.  Get a complimentary lead generation consultation to affordably grow sales - visit and click contact page.
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Scooped by EZIA!

Professional Women's Business Network - Gateway to Success

Professional Women's Business Network - Gateway to Success | Business Tips |
EZIA's insight:
Don't miss this fantastic event June 8th in Phila Area!
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Rescooped by EZIA from HTML 5 Pachoman!

GameSalad - Game creation for everyone ™

GameSalad - Game creation for everyone ™ | Business Tips |
Make games for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Web. No coding required. Did we mention it's free?

Via Pachoman
EZIA's insight:
Time to have some fun inventing your own online games - easy and free!
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Scooped by EZIA!

What is the Biggest Problem For a Salesperson?

Tips on Selling
EZIA's insight:
Sales Success is Not Easy
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Rescooped by EZIA from digital marketing strategy!

13 Surprising Benefits of Content Marketing

13 Surprising Benefits of Content Marketing | Business Tips |
There is far more to content marketing than the impact of content on SEO. There are multiple benefits of content marketing you should know about.

Via malek
EZIA's insight:
Words will impact your online reach
malek's curator insight, March 1, 2017 2:47 PM

Content marketing can help you be the outstanding thoroughbred in a field of seemingly similar horses.

Scooped by EZIA!

Snap is going public at a $24 billion valuation

Snap is going public at a $24 billion valuation | Business Tips |
Snap's shares are scheduled to begin trading on Thursday under the ticker SNAP.
EZIA's insight:
Who said visuals aren't the leading trend in 2017?
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Rescooped by EZIA from Business: Economics, Marketing, Strategy!

The perfect integration between Marketing Automation and Social Media

The perfect integration between Marketing Automation and Social Media | Business Tips |

Marketing Automation is one of the hottest marketing tools available on the Internet. Though nothing new, automated direct response to catalogued clients or potential customers has always been a favourite way of businesses for approaching customers. At the same time, the benefits brought about by Social Media to the Business to Consumer field cannot be overstated. The integration of Marketing Automation with the ever-growing Social Media universe has turned Marketing Automation into one of the most efficient tools for digital marketing strategy.

Via Pantelis Chiotellis
EZIA's insight:
Say it - Send it - Do it
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Rescooped by EZIA from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight!

Your 2017 Marketing To-Do List

Your 2017 Marketing To-Do List | Business Tips |

Now that we're well into 2017, are you checking items off your marketing to-do list? Or, like many of us procrastinators, do you have a to-do list that consists of just one item: "Make 2017 marketing to-do list"?

If the latter is the case, IBM has you covered.

The software company has put together an infographic guide to help marketers prioritize their efforts this year, and it also explains the benefits that each idea can have on your program.

For example, stories are up to 22 times more memorable than facts or figures alone, the infographic claims, and it gives tips on how to captivate your audience with better stories this year....

Via Jeff Domansky
EZIA's insight:
If you didn't set a marketing plan for 2017 yet - start the year off right and do it today!
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, January 20, 2017 11:13 AM

What should be on your 2017 marketing to-do list? Technology, content strategy, events, data, AI? Check out this infographic from IBM, and check off items on your marketing strategy to-do list.

Rescooped by EZIA from Digital Marketing!

Discover what it takes to succeed as a businesswoman in today’s world.

Discover what it takes to succeed as a businesswoman in today’s world. | Business Tips |
5 Ways to “Lead Like a Woman”

Via Bill Cosgrove
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Scooped by EZIA!

'I, Robot' eat your heart out: Elon Musk says Tesla's AI humanoid robot 'Optimus' that can walk at 5mph and deadlift 150lbs will be ready in THREE MONTHS

'I, Robot' eat your heart out: Elon Musk says Tesla's AI humanoid robot 'Optimus' that can walk at 5mph and deadlift 150lbs will be ready in THREE MONTHS | Business Tips |
Elon Musk's car company Tesla will unveil its AI humanoid robot called 'Optimus' in just three months' time. Speaking at Qatar Economic Forum on Tuesday, Musk said a prototype of the robot will be shown off at Tesla's 'AI Day' on September 30.
EZIA's insight:
The "Optimus" robot is coming soon!
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Rescooped by EZIA from Augmented & Virtual Reality!

Metaverse Marketers Tilting More Towards Virtual Reality than NFTs

Metaverse Marketers Tilting More Towards Virtual Reality than NFTs | Business Tips |

Of the marketers who are already working on the metaverse activations, 39% responded that they are trying out virtual reality or augmented reality experiences. Only 17% of the marketers said they are trying out some form of NFT promotion. 67% of the marketers who will be delving into the metaverse next year said they are committing at least a quarter of their marketing budget towards that effort.

Via Beeyond
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Rescooped by EZIA from Careers & Employability!

6 Key Attributes Of Your LinkedIn Profile Header  

6 Key Attributes Of Your LinkedIn Profile Header   | Business Tips |

'"Networking is marketing. Marketing yourself, your uniqueness, what you stand for."- Christine Lynch


Via Birkbeck Careers & Employability
EZIA's insight:
Want People to Notice You on LinkedIn? Start with your Profile Header.
Birkbeck Careers & Employability's curator insight, January 4, 2018 12:54 PM
LinkedIn was launched in 2003 and now has over 500 million users globally. It is currently probably the world’s most successful professional networking site and if you are interested in building your network, finding your Tribe, articulating your unique personal brand and advancing your career, it is a fantastic tool to have in your career development toolbox. One of the first things someone will see about you will be your Profile Header. Do you know what impression it is making? What are the six key components that make it up saying to the world about you? Marc Miller gives you his advice on how to optimise your profile changing it from a flabby repository of facts to a compelling introduction to who you are, whom you serve and your USP.  It is your virtual business card and business is all about relationships so why not start reaching out and building those connections? Start off by reviewing your current LinkedIn Profile and see how it might be re-vamped!
Rescooped by EZIA from Success Leadership!

How to Sell Anything to Anyone by Telling Great Stories

How to Sell Anything to Anyone by Telling Great Stories | Business Tips |

Storytelling is arguably the most powerful tool in your selling toolbox.

Via Richard Andrews
EZIA's insight:
Dig into your past experiences and find relevant stories to share with prospects and clients.  It will take you away from sounding like you're reading a script.
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Scooped by EZIA!

10 Top Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

10 Top Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses | Business Tips |

Streaming video content will rise up to 75% of the entire internet data traffic! Did you know the video marketing platform YouTube

EZIA's insight:
By 2020 - 75% of content on social media sites will be in some form of video - learn more - read this article.
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Rescooped by EZIA from Animation Videos!

Smart and Strategic video marketing to boost sales and raise funds.

Smart and Strategic video marketing to boost sales and raise funds. | Business Tips |

Novisign wanted to attract investment and increase sales. The big question: how to speak directly to several different target audiences?

Via Animation Cowboy Studios
EZIA's insight:
Video Marketing is HOT!!!
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Rescooped by EZIA from digital marketing strategy!

5 Important Tips for Scaling Your Startup 

5 Important Tips for Scaling Your Startup  | Business Tips |

Via malek
EZIA's insight:
Got a Start-Up - Want to Succeed?
malek's curator insight, March 1, 2017 7:18 AM

Don’t let anything about your business be so fragile that less talented or unmotivated employees can bring it down.

Rescooped by EZIA from Social Media and Healthcare!

The Impact of Social Media on Healthcare

The Impact of Social Media on Healthcare | Business Tips |

Social media has been around for over a decade now and has changed the way we socialise. It’s doing so in health as much as anywhere else. So, let’s take a look at how it is doing so.

1.  Younger Users Talk More About Health on Social Media

People between the ages of 18 and 24 are two times as likely as 45 to 54 year olds to go on social media and talk about their health. This is important because the younger generation has shown that they are willing to embrace both social media and new innovations in communication. Health care professionals, then, must be willing to go to them and engage. They need to be on top of things, though, because if they do not move quick enough, they may not be able to make an impact.

2. Social Media Information Impacts Health Decisions

Over forty percent of consumers indicate that they use social media information to influence their health decisions. This is important because it shows that health care professionals must create accurate content to disseminate on social media that will help consumers learn about their health. People rely on the opinions of others to help them with their health, but the information they receive is not always accurate.

3. Health Care Organizations Need to Have Social Media Guidelines

Approximately thirty-one percent of health care organizations have created social media guidelines. It is important for organizations to have something in writing so that everyone knows what is going on and how they need to behave on social media. It also helps you run your organization’s social media account as well.

4. Social Media Users are Trusting

Nine out of ten people in the 18 to 24 age group said that medical information shared over social media would be taken to heart. This shows that the younger generation feels that they can trust their cohorts online, which provides an opportunity for health care professionals to get in contact with them in a meaningful way.

5. Patients Know the Value of Online Communities

A study recently indicated that more than half of all patients would be okay with providers using online communities to get information about treatment options. This is important because it goes to show that if a community is reputable and informative, patients will feel good about getting information from them. This is true even when it comes to a sensitive topic like health.

6. Health Related Apps Could be the Way of the Future

Almost twenty percent of smartphone owners have one or more health applications. In particular, apps dealing with weight loss, diet and exercise are the most prevalent. It is important to note this because it may be a good idea for your health care organization to think about creating its own health app. It is not necessary for all facilities to take this step, but if they do not, they should use this information to their advantage when it comes to marketing.

7. Social Media can Impact Health Choices

Just over forty percent of people indicated that social media would help them determine which medical facility, hospital or doctor to visit. This is important because it indicates that social media is powerful when it comes to personal recommendations. That means that health care organizations can use social media to help them get new patients (or even to keep existing patients). People get on social media and they talk about everything. They mention health quite frequently. Now might be the right time for your organization to get involved.

 8. Social Media Can Be Used for Networking

Just over thirty percent of health care professionals network on social media. This is important because it shows that social media is about more than just reconnecting with old friends. It can also help with professional development, regardless of whether you are on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook.

9. Hospitals Need to be on Social Media

About one fourth of all United States hospitals are involved in social media. This is important because it underscores the importance of these organizations getting involved in social media. It allows hospitals to get in touch with current patients as well as those that they have seen in the past. It helps future clients to find them. While hospitals do have to be careful about what they post, social media can be a very valuable tool for them. Here are some tips.

10. Social Media is Helping People to Become More Transparent

About thirty percent of adults feel comfortable talking about their health on social media. Forty-seven percent feel comfortable discussing their health with their doctor, thirty-eight percent with the health care company, thirty-two percent with a drug company and forty-three percent with a hospital. This is important because it indicates that social media is helping people to realize the importance of being authentic and open about their health. That can lead to positive discussion going forward.

Via Plus91
EZIA's insight:
Social Media is also impacting the healthcare industry.
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Rescooped by EZIA from Business: Economics, Marketing, Strategy!

Get Creative: Using Snapchat in Social Media Marketing

Get Creative: Using Snapchat in Social Media Marketing | Business Tips |
One of the most creative, yet misunderstood social media channels for a business is Snapchat. If you’ve been paying attention lately, you may have heard Snapchat coming up more often and seeming to get more popular by the minute. While this app was originally developed with teens in mind, it has taken off as a new tool for social media marketing; for that reason, it can be used to better your business and improve its online presence. Keep reading for more information on the app your business may just need to download.

Via Stefano Principato, Pantelis Chiotellis
EZIA's insight:
Pictures say it all
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Rescooped by EZIA from The MarTech Digest!

What sales response time is best when following up web leads? - Smart Insights Digital Marketing Advice

What sales response time is best when following up web leads? - Smart Insights Digital Marketing Advice | Business Tips |
Chart of the day: Website lead response management research If you're involved in a business where you collect leads from your website you will know the im. Marketing topic(s):Lead generation analytics. Advice by Dave Chaffey.

Via Joemktg
Joemktg's curator insight, January 19, 2017 6:29 PM

It's worse than ever.


marketingIO: MarTech for B2B Marketers. Strategy, Software, Services, Support, Staffing.  Go here to submit RFQs. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

Rescooped by EZIA from Tools for Teachers & Learners!

Aurasma - Create Augmented Reality

Aurasma - Create Augmented Reality | Business Tips |
Aurasma is changing the way we interact with the world. Turn everyday objects, images, and places into new opportunities for engagement through striking augmented reality experiences.

Via Nik Peachey
EZIA's insight:
Augmented Reality - something to consider.
Nik Peachey's curator insight, November 15, 2016 1:08 AM

Start creating augmented reality content with your students.

Cathia Gaïta's curator insight, November 17, 2016 4:47 AM
A very useful and interesting tool for students to post a recording on a picture they will display on a map for instance, to display images on a background of your choice with  videos or recordings for your students to click on to find information to help them in a quest for ex... and many other possible activities.
Maggie Verster's curator insight, November 21, 2016 12:09 PM
Love aurasma!! Great for fieldtrips.