What The Most Successful Employers Know | Capability development- Engage , Enliven , Excite | Scoop.it

If you read the lists of best places to work, you might notice the same companies appear year after year. Google, Bain & Company, Nestlé Purina PetCare, Facebook, and Twitter, for example, are perennial favorites on Glassdoor’s annual list.


Renowned perks like company chefs, nap rooms, and massages might seem like obvious reasons for their ranking, but Rosemary Haefner, chief human resources officer for CareerBuilder, says it’s deeper than that; the best employers know how to use workforce data.


"Smart companies rely on data to inform all of their recruitment decisions—everything from job seeker perceptions to industry trends and talent supply," she says. "They analyze this data to gain meaningful insight that helps them understand where to focus their recruitment efforts to get the best return on their investment."



Via The Learning Factor