This paper examines the concept of the Partner State in relation to a social knowledge economy and the concept of Buen Viviras proposed in Ecuador’s National Plan for Good living. Drawing on both the theoretical and practical foundations of the Partner State as a model of governance, the paper argues that the proposed transition to an economy based on social knowledge and the realization of Buen Vivirrequires a radical restructuring of the State apparatus toward a direction of increased empowerment and meaningful engagement of both civil society and economic agents in the small firm economy as prerequisites for this transition. [1](#sdfootnote1sym)In this context, the Partner State is presented both as the necessary vehicle for the fulfillment of Buen Vivirand as the culmination of this process. The idea of the social market is also advanced as a means of enlarging the scope of social economy activities throughout the economy and as a central aspect of a Partner State approach to empowering civil society

Via jean lievens