During the Covid-19 era, internet enterprises gather to clamp down on illegal wildlife trade - Wildlife Trade News from TRAFFIC | COVID-19 : Le Jour d'après et la biodiversité | Scoop.it

Beijing, China 23rd October 2020—this week the second annual Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online event, organised by the China Wildlife Conservation

“The Department of Wildlife Protection Conservation, law enforcement and regulatory authorities, enterprises, and non-governmental organisations attach great importance to this issue. The Wildlife Protection Law revised in 2018 clearly prohibits illegal sale, purchase, and use of wild animals and their products or providing hunting tools and services on online platforms, markets, and other trading venues. In July 2020, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Central political and Legal Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the State Administration of Market Supervision and the State Administration of Information Technology jointly launched a ‘special action to crack down on the destruction of wild plant resources’.”