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Scooped by Philippe J DEWOST!

"Security is a tax on the honests" - Time to review Bruce Schneier USI 2013 keynote

Society doesn't work without trust

Human being is the only species with trust. We trust hundreds of strangers without even thinking about it.


How do we enable trust?


How does security enable trust. How do we induce trust?

  • Trusting friends is about who they are as persons.
  • Trusting strangers is about their actions


Trust: confidence, consistence, compliancy. It's about cooperation.

  • We trust people, companies and systems
  • We trust systems to produce expected behaviors


All complex ecosystems require cooperation. In any cooperative system, there is a way to subvert the system for personal interests.


These are called defectors in game theory. They are parasites. They can survive if they are contained. If too many parasites the body dies and the parasites die too.


Society doesn't work if everybody steals. Security can be defined as a tax on the honests.


Social species: individual competition plus group competition.


Security is to keep defection level at an acceptable minimum that is not zero.


NSA defector Edward Snowden raises moral debates but the point is that he is a defector. How group enforce the norm. Even mafia groups.

It is about societal pressure.


4 types of societal pressure


  1. moral: we don't steal because we know stealing is wrong.
  2. reputation: also in our heads but link to other's reactions. Humans are the only species to transmit reputation.
    Experiment: coffee machine + honesty box. Putting a photograph of a pair of eyes in the box bottom decreased the cheat rate dramatically
  3. laws: formalizing reputation, and focusing only on penalties (because of the cost implied by rewarding the majority of honest people). With exceptions in the shape of tax breaks
  4. technology: security systems. Door locks, alarms, ... Some of them extending globally. ATM cards are protected globally.


Example: eBay feedback mechanism is a reputational security system that worked remarkably for years as the main security system.


How does technology affects us?

Technology is what allows society to scale. It is neutral.

Filesharing: social pressure vs technology

Attackers have a first mover advantage and are more adaptive.


Mid 90's Internet going commercial: hackers used it immediately while it took 10 years to the police to figure out how to address it

Such delay is the main security gap


Our society is at a point where technology is faster than social changes which means that the security gap widens.

Before: buy this and you'll be safe

Now: when you've been attacked, please talk to us and we'll help


It's the antivirus history

Smart paradigm: detect unknown viruses including false positives

Stupid paradigm: check for signatures and update once or twice a day


The stupid paradigm seems to have won.


So technology will always favor defectors? True, but large organizations can now use technology in a much more effective manner.

Our society has the most technology and the largest institutions.


The battle is amplifying between agile defectors and slower yet more effective institutions. Losers are those of us in the middle.


To him it is not even clear how there is a balance nor how it will evolve.


As a conclusion


  1. there will always be defectors
  2. ourselves are not 100% cooperative, we all defect some time in a way
  3. law of diminishing returns
  4. there are good and bad defectors and history decided afterwards. That will be the case for Edward Snowden
  5. society need defectors. This is how we evolve. Defectors are at the forefront of social change: freeing the slaves, giving women voting rights


Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Digiworld Summit 2016 is on "The Digital Trust Economy" - Time to remember Bruce Schneier's remarkable words of wisdom at USI 3 years ago - I have added my on the fly notes to the video link for those who prefer reading

Philippe J DEWOST's curator insight, November 15, 2016 2:01 AM

Digiworld Summit 2016 is on "The Digital Trust Economy" - Time to remember Bruce Schneier's remarkable words of wisdom at USI 3 years ago - I have added my on the fly notes to the video link for those who prefer reading

Scooped by Philippe J DEWOST!

Dans le cerveau du CIO #USI2015

Pastiche de Vice-Versa présenté à l'USI 2015

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Hilarant et très très bien vu ! Toute ressemblance avec des personnages existants...

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Scooped by Philippe J DEWOST!

Open Compute Keynote de Philippe Dewost a USI 2015 Unexpected Sources of Inspiration - Philippe Dewost's light sources

Open Compute Keynote de Philippe Dewost a USI 2015 Unexpected Sources of Inspiration - Philippe Dewost's light sources | cross pond high tech |

L'édition 2015 de la Conference USI (Unexpected Sources of Inspiration) s'est tenue début Juillet au Carrousel du Louvre et a confirmé son statut de meilleure Conference Tech sur Paris, combinant un site exceptionnel, une audience de plus de 1200 participants très diverse et de très bon niveau, et une palette de speakers dans plusieurs disciplines délivrant une quarantaine d'interventions sur les deux jours. La Caisse des Dépôts était de nouveau partenaire de cette édition avec plus d'une cinquantaine de participants dans le cadre de son programme de transformation digitale.

François Hisquin, CEO d'Octo et Curateur de la conférence, m'avait demandé d'intervenir sur la thématique d'Open Compute, dont la contribution aux enjeux de la transition énergétique n'est toujours pas correctement appréciée en Europe alors même que nous hébergeons des entreprises extrêmement talentueuses dans ce domaine.

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Keynote en video et slideshare pour ceux qui n'ont pas le son

CHECy's curator insight, November 25, 2015 12:15 PM

Intervention de Philippe Dewost, Président d'honneur du CHECy, lors de la conférence USI 2015.

Scooped by Philippe J DEWOST!

Liste des intervenants à l'USI 2015

Liste des intervenants à l'USI 2015 | cross pond high tech |

Aaron Dignan The Responsive Organization

John Hagel

Yann LeCun Director of AI Research Facebook

Rafi Haladjian Scénarios alternatifs pour l'internet des objets

Philippe Dewost Open Compute

Mike Monteiro How Designer's Destroyed the World

Georges Nahon Trends in Silicon Valley

Mark Horstman Tout ce que l'on vous a appris sur le Management est faux

Anne Pascual Designing for the unexpected

Cédric Villani Pour faire naître une idée

Salim Ismail Exponential Organizations

Gabriel McIntyre Harness the Power of Play

Jamie Anderson Creative Thinking

Michael Harte Digital transformation in banking

Mark Randall Passion + Purpose = Innovation

Erika Hall Au delà de toute mesure

Hilary Mason Innovating through Data

Jürgen Appelo Manage Yourself!

Christian Monjou De l'intérêt de déchiffrer des tableaux: un exercice pratique

Raffaello D'Andrea Systèmes Cyber-Physiques, Objets Connectés, feedback omniprésent: Pour le meilleur et pour le pire

Axelle Lemaire Secrétaire d'Etat chargée du Numérique Ministère de l’Economie, de l'Industrie et du Numérique

Chris Anderson From Maker Movement to Industrial Revolution

Adrian Cockroft Systems for Innovation

Gilles Babinet Transformation digitale des entreprises

Chris Skinner The future of money, trade and finance

Yann Moulier-Boutang Régime de la propriété dans le capitalisme cognitif

Philippe Gabilliet Pourquoi la chance sourit-elle aux audacieux ?

Yves Pigneur Créer une proposition de valeur attrayante dans un business model innovant

Henri Verdier Politique de la donnée

Dana Chisnell Designing Democracy: Modernizing the citizen experience

Mikko Hyppönen Securing Our Future

Peter Norvig Deploying machine learning applications in the Enterprise

Ludovic Cinquin De l’entreprise digitale à l’entreprise libérée

Carlos Moreno De la « Ville Numérique » à la « Ville Vivante »

Jared Spool Building a Winning UX Strategy Using the Kano Model

Yves Morieux Smart Simplicity

Christian Fauré Comment éviter de se faire court-circuiter par le digital ?

Yann Arthus-Bertrand Human

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Impressionné de faire partie de la liste des speakers de l'USI 2015. Grosse pression sur la préparation du talk que je délivrerai à cette occasion sur Open Compute.

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