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The New SEO - Who Loves Ya Baby? via Curagami

The New SEO - Who Loves Ya Baby? via Curagami | Curation Revolution |

The New SEO

This Curagami post takes issue with the priority and emphasis of two "old world" SEO posts. When Jeff Bullas suggests, important tweaks could result in top rank he over reaches. 

When Forbes worries about content length, they ask the wrong question in the wrong way. Here's a thought experiment to prove the point - does Oprah need to worry about technical SEO tweaks or content length? 

Answer: No Oprah does not. When your tribe is as loyal, eager to consume and collaborate as Oprah's SEO is moot and adds little. Think Oprah achieved her position of trust and created such a loyal tribe by tweaking or manipulating content? 


Neither do we. Do we miss the days when a tweak here or there meant rank? You bet. Life was easier then, but marketing is so much better now, and it will become better still. 


The rub is Jeff and Forbes are right and wrong at the same time. Technically every tip Jeff shares is correct, but the emphasis is backward. Jeff starts with keywords. In this Curagami post we suggest starting with your story, your "why":  

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

The problem with a Jeff Bullas and Forbes SEO post is they miss the point of the "new" SEO - to win hearts, minds, and loyalty with authenticity, stories, and collaboration. We suggest listening more and technically tweaking or worrying about content length less. 

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7 SEO Tips & Trends For 2016 You Need To Know - Curagami

7 SEO Tips & Trends For 2016 You Need To Know - Curagami | Curation Revolution |

7 SEO Tips and Trends
Appreciate @Os Ishmael sharing Anne Carton's great 7 SEO Trends for 2016 Post today. Anne's post was so good we linked it from the Curagami post it inspired. Our 7 SEO Trends / Tips for 2016:

* Great Content Creates Community (despite Content Shock) 

* Mobile and Smartphones Are Changing Everything

* Video RULES

* Community Is KEY

* Community Shock Is Coming

* Empower Ambassadors, Understand Proxy Marketing

* Fresh and NOW Beat Stale and THEN

Be sure to add your SEO tips for 2016 and we will mash them into this post with a link back and our thanks.

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SEO: What Is THEIR Rank Telling You - Curagami

SEO: What Is THEIR Rank Telling You - Curagami | Curation Revolution |

How Their Rank Teaches You SEO Lessons
SEO: Their Rank Talks To You, but are you listening, emulating category leaders and finding ways to disrupt your space to win hearts, minds and loyalty online is the "new SEO". 

So if your question is, "You talking to ME?" and you are asking Google the answer is YES.  

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Updated this post with a PageRank is Dead note from my friend Mark Traphagen. 

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People: 5 Ways People Fix Content Marketing - Curagami

People: 5 Ways People Fix Content Marketing - Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Content marketing must serve a higher purpose & featuring people not things is how websites win hearts, minds & loyalty creating online community.

Post includes a Fareed Zakaria interview with hedge fund manager Ray Dolio because Ray shares 5 tips for how to become a great web marketer:

* Think more about how "the machine" works (Google in our case).

* Be in the middle of it and expect to get banged up.

* Have great humility and FEAR.

* It isn't KNOWING that matters it is what you do when you DON't KNOW.
* Find smart people who disagree with you and LISTEN.

I couldn't summarize how teams I've led have made over $30M in online sales learn to think and be. Ray may be speaking of how to manage a hedge fund, but he may as well be outlining how to be a great digital marketer.

This post explores an eternal truth - people not things sell.

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Changing Hero Marketing: Everything Is Everything via @HaikuDeck

Changing Hero Marketing: Everything Is Everything via @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |

Thanks to FedEx
Sharing our Hero Marketing Haiku Deck last week with a group of Small to Medium Sized Businesses taught us how to tune the message. We noted how the TACTICS of competing with Amazon sparked real interest.

There are two components to competing with Amazon:

* 4Cs.
* Everything Is Everything.

Four Cs
Content, Customers, Commerce and Community are the four pillars of creating successful online marketing. The Uber-Goal is creating sustainable online community, or a community growing faster than its costs.

You create online community by curating more than you create and moving from US to WE. Content is how you signal customers your site, brands and company GET IT and want to create community.

You know you've created community when following increases, heuristic measures such as time on site, pages viewed and bounce rates improve and your site is getting closer to the magical 50% returning 50% new visitor mix.

Everything Is Everything
We've been struggling to explain how interconnected everything is these days. SEO, content marketing, content curation, email marketing, social media marketing and mobile marketing are working hand in glove now at increasingly faster pace. This more, faster, better loop means today's commerce is tomorrow's content, today's community is tomorrow's customer and round and round like a furious merry go round.

You win hearts, minds and loyalty today by understanding how to work the 4cs into a sustainable online community, a community of advocates wiling  to sacrifice and support you, your brand and ideas.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Invisible Giant of the New SEO via @Curagami

Invisible Giant of the New SEO via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |
Invisible Giant of the New SEO shows why Google, appification, mobile and other trends are making the new SEO hard to see, understand or create tactics for.

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THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips [New @HaikuDeck by @Scenttrail]

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips [New @HaikuDeck by @Scenttrail] | Curation Revolution |

Thinking Different = Hardest Thing
Web marketing is different, powerful and transforming. If you can adopt these 5 "Secrets" and shift thinking accordingly you can win BIG online:

* Hedge and Diversify.
* Over and Under.
* Card count & DOUBLE DOWN.
* Become a NOWIST.
* Hit 4 out of 10 = Hall of Fame.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Got Authority? Become A Site Google Respects

Got Authority? Become A Site Google Respects | Curation Revolution |

Great tips from Curagami co-founder Phil Buckley (@1918) about how to create the authority your site needs to please the Google gods:

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Will Widgets Inherit the Web? via @HaikuDeck

Will Widgets Inherit the Web? via @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |
Creating a distributed content network with widgets is a vast blue ocean of low cost, high reward Internet marketing today. Won't be that way for long.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Invisible Giant: Why New SEO Is So Hard To See via @HaikuDeck by @Scenttrail

Invisible Giant: Why New SEO Is So Hard To See via @HaikuDeck by @Scenttrail | Curation Revolution |

There is a new invisible giant using 5 "tricks" so the "new seo" is getting harder and harder to see and understand. This Haiku Deck and Curatti blog post is about how to see the invisible giant. How to win hearts and minds online.

Why New SEO So Hard To See
* Google Float & Filter Bubbles.
* Social Media Marketing's Disappearing Act.

* Friends of Friends Marketing.

* Multi-channel Marketing.

* Web's "Fabric" Like Space/Time.

Adding a Curatti blog post at midnight tonight too.

malek's curator insight, August 5, 2014 7:37 AM

Thought provoking on many fronts. The notion of need of predictive models (and other tools) to link content with visitors.

donhornsby's curator insight, August 5, 2014 8:02 AM

(From the article): Content Marketing is a tricky idea. You need to create authoritative content, but just enough that community is forming comfortably. Talk to much, in the wrong voice or at the wrong time sand you kill your fledgling community (easy to do). 

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Is Social Media Marketing Dead? Yep & Here's Whats Next - via @Curagami

Is Social Media Marketing Dead? Yep & Here's Whats Next - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |
Jeff Fromm in a great post for TBJ makes Curagami's tactical marketing is dead argument beautifully. Social Media Marketing is dead & here's what's next.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, July 23, 2014 8:05 AM

As we consume more and more content via our mobile devices, both content marketing and social media marketing strategies need to be re-examined.


The end user, your consumer now has Notification Distraction, be it from a game or text message your content has limited engagement time of these devices. Getting a share has become even harder. 

Connecting content to product engagement is the new marketing.

Dr. Karen Dietz's comment July 23, 2014 5:43 PM
I really enjoyed this article Marty and am going to reference it for another kind of story project I'm working on. Good stuff! Thanks for finding and sharing.
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7 Focused Tactics For Content Curation Success via IM guru Heidi Cohen

7 Focused Tactics For Content Curation Success via IM guru Heidi Cohen | Curation Revolution |

Want to excel at content curation? Here are 7 tactics for content curation success:

1. Provide editorial selection expertise.2. Add commentary to augment existing information.3. Write attention-grabbing headlines.4. Package your content to attract attention and facilitate consumption.5. Offer curated content on regular schedule.6. Distribute curated content effectively across channels, platforms and devices.7. Track results of curated content to achieve your objectives.

Marty Note
My favorite is the idea of "packaging" your content. Fascinating.

Marilyn Moran's comment, May 14, 2014 5:21 PM
Awesome tips on content curation. Heidi Cohen rocks.
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Hellfighters and the New SEO - A @HaikuDeck

Hellfighters and the New SEO - A @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |
Fires happen to every website no matter how careful their overseers. Fires destroy value. Today's online marketing fires are complex and intertwined requiring specialized cross functional teams to extinguish. These teams are called Hellfighters.
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5 Reasons We Are Leaving Wordpress - Curagami

5 Reasons We Are Leaving Wordpress - Curagami | Curation Revolution |


Leaving Wordpress
Wordpress is killing us. We are exhausted with cave diving. We must cave dive because the world's largest blogging platform has become so opaque the it's main premise - create web content without an IT department - is spoiled.  

Here are our 5 reasons for leaving Wordpress as fast as our friends at will have us:

  • Spam & Attacks
  • Unrealized Promise
  • Crap Overload
  • SEO & Performance
  • No Easy Multi-Platform Content Curation
What are your reasons for leaving Wordpress? Or do you love Wordpress? Share and we will curate into this Wordpress post (one of our last).

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Homeland & SEO: 5 Things In Common New @HaikuDeck

Homeland & SEO: 5 Things In Common New @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |

Homeland & SEO
Watching Homeland episodes to catch up before the great TV show's season opener we realized our favorite spy story has a lot in common with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) including:

* Paranoid.
* Surprise

* Sisyphus

* Ignorance

* Tribes

Working on a post, in the meantime find the slidedeck here: 

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Epic? We Want You To Become An Owner: Scenttrail Goes Multi-Author

Epic? We Want You To Become An Owner: Scenttrail Goes Multi-Author | Curation Revolution |
EPIC? We Want You

Imagine if you were one of the first contributors to Mashable, TechCrunch or the Huffington post. Life for those first contributors is good now. Life for those trying to elbow their way in is not nearly as good. Stop elbowing because we have a cool idea.

APPLY to be one of the first 5 Scenttrail Authors / Curators and Contributors, become an owner and find greatness...together. 

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New Video Notes Added To Key Ecommerce ?s @HaikuDeck!

New Video Notes Added To Key Ecommerce ?s @HaikuDeck! | Curation Revolution |

Lots of questions after our presentation of asking the right Ecommerce questions last week to a group of about 40 Small to Medium Sized Businesses in Raleigh sponsored by FedEx. Instead fo writing more, we took a different approach and developed short "Video Notes" adding Curagami YouTube links to our Haiku Deck:

Find the Haiku Deck Here

Find Introductory Video Notes on YouTube Here 

Find Video Notes about creating online community here 

Will add more video notes soon.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

QDF - Quality Deserves Freshness & "Fixing" An Editorial Mistake

QDF - Quality Deserves Freshness & "Fixing" An Editorial Mistake | Curation Revolution |

What Is QDF
Google has a favorite core concept - Quality Deserves Freshness. The concept changes content marketing in many ways such as:

* Content is publish & done.
* Content that sparks comments is prized.

* Content that promotes links and shares is good.

* Static Content is bad.

On Monday I made an editorial mistake. @Cendrine Marrouat - https://www.cendrinemedia.comwrote a great guest blog post for Curagami about content curation. My mistake was building a reference into an embedded slide deck in the title.

That editorial decision assumes too much. Any post MUST live up to its title and this one DID if a reader looked at Cendrine's great slides. If you didn't it was confusing. I added to the confusion by using a numbered list in the title and then NOT numbering the tips contained in Cendrine's slides.

We received a comment noting the dissonance my editorial decisions made. NOW WHAT DO YOU DO? Change the title back to Cendrine's better title and destroy the ripples the post earned. Change the blog title without changing the URL and Google sees and punishes the dispariety.

Better to ADD CONTENT IN because of QDF. I wrote in a couple of hundred words and re-shared the post on social as an object lesson in my need to become a better editor and QDF. NEVER take something away from Google they've indexed, has been shared or is inside your website's modeled evaluation.

Taking things away creates suspicion. Adding in new content helps with QDF and provides a new hook to share on social. QDF can be helped by:

* Comments.
* Feeds (if structured and embedded properly).
* Curation (of comments or other material).
* User Generated Content (UGC) such as social shares, comments, reviews and forms.

* Questions - great because "new to them" evergreen content promotes UGC for years.

* Polls - voting brings customers back and creates new social share hooks too.

If this information sounds like you really can't "fix" an editorial mistake as much as you create, curate and surf you way out of it you understand implications of QDF. Content in Google land is forever, but content in the new QDF world isn't static, unchanging and inviolate either.

Promise to write a post on QDF and how Google's search for the latest greatest and most relevant content means your content marketing needs to shift from "publish and done" to "publish, curate and publish again".

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Building Links? Beware...

Building Links? Beware... | Curation Revolution |

“Link building” as it is traditionally defined is fraught with risks, gray-hat techniques, and dangerous mistakes. Don’t approach link building in a let’s-build-some-links kind of way.


If you do, you’re headed for dangerous waters. Instead, consider link building as a byproduct of being a networker, a content marketer, a local expert, a personal brand, and a social animal.

 Read More:

Marty Note
When one of our friends shared his use of the disavow tool daily at a recent conference to our shocked and surprise. He went on to explain by alerting Google to spammy links coming into his content he was winning more and more SEO cred and suddenly we got it.

Acting proactively on the knowledge not all inbound links are equal or good can save some SEO PAIN.

Not all links are equal and some may be attempts to HURT your website. Knowing who is linking to you, thanking the good ones and alerting Google to your disdain for the bad ones is becoming an important "new SEO" tactic.

This post shares solid new ways to get good links in the first place and original great content is you best friend on that mission. What it doesn't share is the cost of bad unsolicited links. Treat all links with care and give them with even more care.

We suggest NOT letting the spider follow your links. No Follow links protect you from having the content changed or altered after you link. Even with No Follow Links ONLY link to trusted sources so you may become an authority too.

Via Antonino Militello
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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wanderingsalsero's curator insight, September 21, 2014 10:52 AM

Always a worthwhile subject... and this fro a reputable source too.

Brian Fanzo's curator insight, October 13, 2014 1:32 PM

Great resource here... thanks Marty! 

Rafael Jimenez Rodriguez's curator insight, December 8, 2014 2:55 AM

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Has @HaikuDeck Created A New Powerful Visual Marketing Channel? +8,322 Views in 22 Days says YES!

Has @HaikuDeck Created A New Powerful Visual Marketing Channel? +8,322 Views in 22 Days says YES! | Curation Revolution |

Amazing Content Marketing Tool
If you don't use Haiku Deck to help create visual marketing you are missing a powerful tool. We've created 36 Haiku Decks. Over the last 22 days those decks added 8,322 views or 378 new views each day.There is NOTHING we are doing with that kind of reach...NOTHING!

We are beginning to believe Slide Decks may be an exciting new marketing channel. Amazingly NONE of our 36 decks reported zero views over the last 22 days. Even OLD decks continue to be viewed making slides and slide decks VALUABLE content indeed. 

Not a complete surprise since Slideshare has been creating SEO magic for years, but Haiku Deck may have just legitimized slides as a marketing channel. You don't need an excuse to create Haiku Decks. No conference talks needed to win with these new visual marketing tools. SLIDES and Haiku Deck's CMS that sits on top of the Creative Commons are becoming a powerful content marketing tool and a widgetized marketing channel in their own right. 

Trending Haiku Decks Include

Crowdfunding Tips From The Clash +46% Views 

Gamify Content Marketing +36% Views 

Invisible Giant: Why New SEO So Hard To See +8% Views 

Warren Buffett's Tips for Startups remains Top Dog w/  7,700 Views  

See performance for all 36 Haiku Decks we've created on Google Doc here:  

malek's curator insight, September 17, 2014 5:44 PM

Walt Mossberg was right..

The great tech guru once commented that Haiku Deck saves people so much time it will raise the GDP

Haiko Deck is a different visual experience

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why Haiku Deck May Be Most Important Internet Marketing Tool You AREN'T Using via @Curagami

Why Haiku Deck May Be Most Important Internet Marketing Tool You AREN'T Using via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Haiku Decks Create Shares & Community
If we told you there was a tool that would generate 3,200 views of your content on average and produce almost 60,000 views and over 700 shares for 34 uses (of the tool) you would USE IT right? This Curagami post shares why Haiku Deck is a powerful Internet marketing tool you should start using NOW.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Marketing Triptych via @HaikuDeck BUZZING

Marketing Triptych via @HaikuDeck BUZZING | Curation Revolution |

3 Internet Marketing Haiku Deck Triptych is BUZZING:

Invisible Giant: Why It's So Hard To See The New SEO (1,726 views 2wks)

Get Hired or Bought By Warren Buffet (132 views in 12 hrs)

Connection: The New Ecommerce (1,094 views in a week)

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Overwhelmed? Enter #IMoverwhelmed Sweeps via @Curagami

Overwhelmed? Enter #IMoverwhelmed Sweeps via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Overwhelmed Is the word we keep hearing from Small to Medium Sized business. They feel overwhelmed by Internet marketing's ever changing environment and accelerating demands. Yeah, we can help with that

Nothing so motivated as a sinner seeking redemption. We've been marketing online so long, more than 30years combined in team Curagami, we sometimes hear "overwhelmed" after we speak to customers.

As penance we are going to help one lucky company create a plan. See we know something about feeling overwhelmed. When I heard "cancer" and my name in the same sentence "overwhelmed" was the right word. I worked my way out by planning to ride a bicycle across America.

DON'T DO THAT (lol), but do enter our #IMoverwhelmed Sweeps and we guarantee you will begin to feel less overwhelmed NOW. Remember you are not alone and keep turning the crank :). Marty

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Social Media Publishing is dead - SMB Survival Guide: 3 Rays of Hope via @Curagami & @gdecugis

Social Media Publishing is dead - SMB Survival Guide: 3 Rays of Hope via @Curagami & @gdecugis | Curation Revolution |

Lions, Tigers, Bears & Content Shock & SMB Survival
Small to Medium Sized Businesses are overwhelmed. The clearest message we've received during our first six months creating our Startup Factory funded startup called Curagami is a clear protest. "Overwhelmed" is the most common adjective SMBs use to describe their situation.

Not hard to see why SMBs are feeling overwhelmed. Tactics that used to insure consistent yearly growth are sick. Tactics are drying up faster than ever.

SMB Marketing Tactics Costing More, Getting Less:

* Yellow Pages (near death).
* Print ads (near death).

* Val-u-pak coupons (near death).

* Coupons of any kind (losing relevance with smartphone users)..

* Groupons (blows brands up almost beyond repair).
* Email marketing (sick due to social / mobile web).
* Social Media Marketing (sick and getting sicker fast).
* Content Marketing.(content shock sick).

* Ecommerce (too many stores, same offerings).
* PPC (paying more to get less).
* Retargeting (cat out of bag, so sick efficacy declining).
* Video Marketing (steep learning curve, expensive).
* Viral Marketing (everyone has that cold now & hit or miss).
* Cause Marketing (not as unique as once was & live or die with partner).

* Celebrity Marketing (expensive and live or die with branded celeb).

* SEO (don't even get us started, all but gone, baby, gone).

3 Rays of Hope

1. Content Curation
Discussed by CEO @Guillaume Decugisin Social Media Publishing Is Dead As We Know It ( ).

2. Community
Banding and binding tribes of contributors, advocates and supporters to your cause.

3. Friends of Friends marketing.
Reaching new customers via WOM (Word-of-Mouth) supplied by fans, brand advocates and social marketing Sherpas willing to sacrifice and help your cause.

Curagami ( ) is focused on helping SMBs create sustainable community via the Friends-of-Friends marketing community generates.  

Am Scooping Guillaume's post to use in our Curagami board meeting tomorrow and we are working on 3 cool ideas:

* Curagami SMB Survival Guide - one page "action focused" recommendations on the tapestry of marketing tools and tactics needed to know where online "success" lives these days.

* Curagami $25,000 SMB Survival Contest - Help in seo, content marketing and community building to make this holiday online selling season great.

* Curagmai SMB Survival School - 1 day training to support SMBs at the American Tobacco Campus in Durham, NC.

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What Is Long-Form Content and Why Does It Work?

What Is Long-Form Content and Why Does It Work? | Curation Revolution |
Ask two content marketers about long-form content and you’ll likely get two completely different responses. The first might say that long-form content is a gamble, given audiences’ supposedly min…
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Storify Long Form Content To Win
Great post explaining why SHORT or LONG form content works and the middle drags. Amazing charts and graphs supporting why long form works ins a heuristic TIME ON SITE time (like this one). If your readers are ENGAGED they are more valuable than if they are "one and done" and long form content creates more engagement.

The post speculates on why, but my theory is its easier to tell a better story. It takes me 500 words just to get my scene set (lol). I'm kidding, but I do like to "storify" my content.

In this context "storify" means to find a larger story I can riff INTO the post or share a personal but relevant story that provides the same kind of "backbone" content.

malek's curator insight, May 12, 2014 5:04 PM

A great piece of reading about adding more value with more content.  The examples are highly illustrative, turning a dry rock into live rock.