Teen Anti Cyber Bully Campaign Goes Viral | Cyberbullying, it's not a game! It's your Life!!! | Scoop.it

OSSEO, MN-- Seventeen-year-old Kevin Curwick, an Osseo High School football team captain, is using Twitter to fight cyber bullies and compliment his classmates, but much to his surprise, now people across the world are returning the favor.


"A nice word can go a long ways," he said. "We are a society looking for the positive."


Curwick has heard from people from Iowa to Connecticut, and from Australia to England ever since he came forward behind the anonymous Twitter account, @OsseoNiceThings.


He created the "nice" Twitter account to lift spirits of classmates that had been bullied on another Twitter page, but remained anonymous when tweeting things like "great artist but even better friend", "Osseo's rawest rapper", and "puts others before herself."


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