Protect Your Teens From Cyber-Bullying Before It Leads To DeadlyConsequences | Link Newspaper | Cyberbullying, it's not a game! It's your Life!!! |

Dr. Bikkar Singh LalliThe wave of shocking suicides by teenagers, who were allegedly being bullied and sexually harassed, have stunned many parents, schools authorities, lawmakers and communities.


Lady Gaga has started pushing for legislation to outlaw bullying after a 14 year old Jamey Rodermeyer, from Buffalo New York, committed suicide on Sept. 18. He was bullied for because of his perceived sexuality.


In the same week, in Mississauga, a 16 year-old boy killed his best friend and then jumped off an overpass. On Sept. 26. Jeff Klein, a New York democratic senator, introduced a new “Cyberbullying Bill” in the senate.


He says that “outdated pre-digital harassment laws fail to punish bullies who use the Internet and smart phones to torment others”. Thirty three states already have laws dealing with online harassment.