What is Visual Language & How Comics Can Help Create It [graphic] | Must Design | Scoop.it
Visual language Lab: Researching the structure and cognition of the visual language of comics

Visual Language Important For Internet Marketing
One undeniable trend is Lean Visual Marketing. We want videos and pictures and we want to understand complex ideas FAST. Scooplit is riding the crest of the lean visual marketing wave and exploding.

We know that there are some core ideas in this new "visual marketing revolution" including:

* Surprise helps but is had to create.
* Smashing expected visuals into unexpected can create surprise.
* Humor works.
* Arresting visuals only work once UNLESS aligned to their content.
* Without arresting visuals content marketing is doomed.
* The "visual language" of your marketing must be consistent with all other marketing or dissonance results.

I like the idea of studying comics to help achieve a sense of visual tone and for ways to connect images seamlessly with copy, tone ane theme.

Via Bucky Dodd