Of the 3 types of collaboration, which type do you need? | Digital Collaboration and the 21st C. | Scoop.it

This is a post from Shawn Callahan – Founder of Anecdote.


Collaboration is a process through which people who see different aspects of a problem can constructively explore their differences and search for solutions that go beyond their own limited vision of what is possible.  And today it’s more than groups of people working together as teams and communities. Collaboration generates new ideas and new solutions that emerge from the interplay of these perspectives, experience and knowledge that help us get work done, coming from people both inside and outside an organisation, well-known and, yes, even strangers. We can have long-lasting collaboration—or short-term, formal or ad-hoc.


Older models of collaboration tended to focus on teams and formal, structured collaboration. We have more options now. Here are three types of collaboration and how we might approach them as an organisation: 


1. Team collaboration

2. Community collaboration

3. Network collaboration



Via Lynnette Van Dyke