Create HTML5 Interactive Presentations, Animations, Infographics & More | Distance Learning, mLearning, Digital Education, Technology |
Use Presenter to create free professional interactive HTML5 Presentations, animations, banners, Splash pages and more.


Beth Dichter's insight:

Are you looking for a tool that will allow you to create interactive presentations, animations, infographics, and more? If so check out EWC Presenter. This is a cloud based tool that is easy to use.

When you go to the website you will see a number of presentations that others have created. You can also access a number of videos that discuss the various features of Presenter at

Because this tool uses HTML5 any presentations you create should also run on mobile devices. Students could use this tool to animate presentations and infographics and work on them from a computer in any location.

Via Beth Dichter, Jim Lerman