Are You Making These Common Social Media Measurement Mistakes? | VOZIQ | Actionable Social Media Analytics | e-commerce & social media |

As social networks have exploded in their use as a critical marketing and PR channel for businesses of all size, so have increased the importance of measuring all this effort more effectively. Apart from apprising you of the success of your strategies, measurement also gives you very critical insights about your customers and competitors. As you go on investing in social media channels, it is these actionable insights, which give you a return on your dollar.

However, the measurement of social media is not as standardized as it should be. This is mainly because of the evolving nature of social networks itself. This non-standardization also means that you will be flooded with advice and opinions about how to measure social media. This leads to some critical mistakes, which can jeopardize accuracy of your results. This in turn will lead to dismissal of social media as an effective channel in business strategy! But we all know importance of social media as well as measurement, so let us see the most common mistakes which are committed while measuring social media....

Via Jeff Domansky