What Does it mean to be Learned? Four Ways Play Inspires Learning | SmartBlogs | Eclectic Technology | Scoop.it

David Warlick shares a wonderful post about inspiring others, asking the questions "What meaning might there be in education?"  to which he responded "To learn and be learned."

He then goes on to look at the word learned - is the goal to create "graduates who are learned (learn’•ed), with two syllables — an adjective"?

What would happen " if we change learned to a one-syllable intransitive verb, where the learner is an unstated object, then the experience starts to reflect and is reshaped by the behavior of the learner. It becomes an exchange between the learner, what has been learned, and what is to be learned, and it provokes an active and deliberate investment by the learner. It becomes personal."

Read on to learn how play inspires learning in four ways. How can we take this information and use it in our classrooms?